Catalyst Control Center


Jul 17, 2004
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Hey guys, I just recently got my 9700 Pro back from the RMA and uninstalled the old Nvidia drivers (SO glad to be back on my 9700 Pro from a 5200FX). I did the uninstallation correctly, with the add or remove programs then restart in safe mode then use driver cleaner blah blah blah, but anyways It works awsome except I got the drivers off Ati's homepage. THey are the Catalyst 5.1 with Control Center or w/e, but the control center isn't working which I found out to be because I didnt have .NET Framework 1.1 installed. So I installed that and it still doesn't work, when I click on the icon It acts like its loading but never does. Do you guys think I will have to reinstall the drivers again (I just noticed that it says on that .NET has to be installed first), or what do you think I can do to get it to work?

PS: Your probably wondering why I didn't have it installed first because it even says it right under the link, well the reason is because I thought I did I guess I didn't :E

Thanks for your help
You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers again..
Also make sure to give cli.exe permissions in your firewall or else it wont work. There should be 2 cli.exes running and they use tcp to communicate, theyre not actually connecting to a remote computer so dont worry about that.
dont get catalyst control center it is really slow and you dont need it, jsut get the top 28,1 meg downlaod of what ever and use that,
catalyst control center is crap.
it slows down win startup very much, eats up resources and is like a normal control panel but with some useless additions. ok, maybe the preview window for 3d settings is cool, with that red ferrari and all, but it takes lots of time to load and is not as useful as intended.

I was using it for two months and now have installed 5.1 drivers with only control panel.

man - it feels soooo good now. xp starts allmost instantenously (sp?) and the acces to all video setiings is quicker and easier.

but try it for yourself - I myself prefer simplicity over complexity;)
bryanf445 said:
hmmm kinda dumb question...what does rma stand for?

RMA stands for Return Merchandize Authorization, and its a form you fiill out to get them to accept the return.