Catalyst Problems


Nov 19, 2004
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I have a radeon 9600, and ive never been able to update the drivers...everytime i install the latest catalyst drivers and restart my PC the framerate in windows and games is super slow, so i have to roll back the driver to the default one...I manage to run most games fine, HL2 looked great, but im having problems with shadows in splinter cell 2, the game looks fine, its just the shadows are really low quality. There isnt an option to adjust them, so i was wondering if anyone else has this catalyst problem as i really would like to update my drivers, as i reckon that'd fix the shadow problem aswell as any other problems i encounter with games.

Did you uninstall your old drivers before you install the new ones?

If you are using Control Center make sure you have .Net Framework.
Yeah i tried uninstalling the old drivers....what does the control center do? I think i normally download the one without it...but i do have net framework installed
I'd recommend using Driver Cleaner to uninstall your old drivers first. Hasn't done much for me but you might be luckier.

It's similar to a problem I've had just after formatting my HD and reinstalling windows. I tried reupdating my catalysts, but even with the .NET framework installed the control center version effed itself up. The drivers failed to install and control center wouldn't load at startup.
Then when I tried to install back from my 5.1's, the driver worked but the control panel (not the fancy net framework one) still failed to work.

In the end I went for the 5.3's without any bells attached. ATI should realise that people just want a driver, and not to fanny around with unnecessary garbage. The more stuff you stick in an install, the more can go wrong.
After i installed the new drivers and restarted my computer the refresh rate got really slow. But after about a minute the screen flashed and then everything was back to normal.