Catalyst Vs. DNA Vs Omega


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
I have an ATI radeon 9800pro, and i was wondering what you all (esp those with this same card) think of 4.12 catalyst Vs omega Vs DNA drivers... and maybe those as compared to 4.11. Im trying to figure out what driver set to use, and so far i think ive seen the best performance with the 4.12 DNAs. But i have never tried omegas before. What do you think?
i tried all of these and the best performance i got was using omega drivers. also my card overclocked best with omega. but that performance change is really little, so i don't think you will notice some real difference in the game, just some score change in video benchmarks.
Someone did a comparison but I've lost the link since DNA got their new forum.

Basically, DNA owns Omega and Catalysts in everything at the moment, except HL2 where Omega is about 2fps ahead.

I don't trust Omega, his last set seemed to hugely increse CSS performance but it turned out they broke texture filtering in source, so everyone was running at bilinear...
well, im currently using Catalyst... well, its cool from wat I can see...
I am currently running the DNA drivers. Like v1p3r said, they are about 2 FPS slower than the Omega.

One thing the Omega drivers didn't have that I needed was widescreen support. The DNA drivers worked great with my 20 inch widescreen.
v1p3r said:
Basically, DNA owns Omega and Catalysts in everything at the moment, except HL2 where Omega is about 2fps ahead.

on that system.

results from those types of comparison's can't be called "general," because on systems which are exactly the same, you will probably have different results.
I've allways had much better results with the DNAs but as you said it does vary a LOT.
I was running Catalyst 4.1 when I first installed HL2 and found it v slow and laggy.... upgraded to 4.12 and it was better, but not exactly leagues ahead.

I found the Omega drivers to be v good... was a little worried what was done to get them like that, but didn't notice any massive loss in picture quality and it did make everything a LOT smoother.

Just my 2c worth.