CD/DVD storage.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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So what options do you guys use to store your CD's and DVDS? I have a MASSIVE number of these things, from many old and new games... and I need to start finding a way I can put them somewhere.

Any suggestions or solutions out there that will be cheap and moderately attractive? I don't have alot of money to spend... but I have literally hundreds if not thousands of CDS and DVDS to store. Obviously I can't put them all up, but i'd like to have storage for at least 200 cds and 60-100 dvds.

All the racks and shelves I see are so damn expensive.

Peshmerga... no sheds.
There are machines you can get for about $100 that you basically "feed" discs into (like on a cd drive that doesnt use a tray) and the machine stores and sorts them internally. They hold about 150 discs iirc, and connect to your computer.

You feed all the discs in, and enter them in some control software. Then you just select what you want via windows, and the machine spits the disc back out. I think you can browse it like a USB thumb drive in windows explorer too. Verbatim makes one iirc. You can usually link/stack about 5 of them together.
Wowser. That's incredibly cool, but awfully expensive. I have alot of original cases that i'd like to be able to store, and not just the cds/dvds themselves.
If I had the money, i'd definitely get those things there, and stack a couple of them.