CD-ROM not detected


Dec 20, 2005
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O_O - set everything up now and it's all sorted apart from the cd-rom drive not being recognised.

When i go into BIOS i can see the sata drive is present but the CD-Drive isn't being detected

I have also tried all of the cables i got with my motherboard and none of the other cables make it happen.

Just to be sure i have connected the ide cable onto the primary socket on the motherboard and the other end into the CD-Rom and still not working

Please help
First, how do you have the drive's jumpers configured? Is it set as Master, Slave, or Cable Select? Is this drive the only device attached to it's particular IDE chain (no other drives attached to the same cable)? On your IDE cable there should be a stripe on one end (usually it'll be a red stripe). This stripe indicates where pin 1 is located. If you look closely at your primary/secondary IDE ports on your motherboard, the position of pin 1 should also be marked (the same applies for the drive). You want to be sure that the stripe on the IDE cable lines up with the position of pin 1 on both the drive and the motherboard's IDE port.

Is the drive getting power? If, when in your BIOS, are you able to open/close the drive?
equally, make sure cabe right way round


try a diff cd rom drivee/ put that cd rom driv eina diff pc and see if it works
could just be the os

try booting off something like knoppix and see if it works