I recently made an mp3 cd for my car off of my computer. All the songs were burned correctly as they were all there. However upon playing the cd all the songs were skipping horribly.
Could it be due to the type of media used like tdk or such. Could it just be my car. Or could it be that i used 676 out of 700mb on the cd. Also could it be due to the program used to burn the music onto the CD (Nero 6)
I want to know as this is going to really bug me otherwise. Any help at all is greatly appreciated
Could it be due to the type of media used like tdk or such. Could it just be my car. Or could it be that i used 676 out of 700mb on the cd. Also could it be due to the program used to burn the music onto the CD (Nero 6)
I want to know as this is going to really bug me otherwise. Any help at all is greatly appreciated