Cell ( Novel)

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Have any of you guys read Stepehn King's Cell ?
Is a book about people who turn out in zombies if they answer their cell phone.

I'm kind of desapointed, I've nerver read King's books before, so all the psychic and telekinetic abilities the zombies had just ruinned the freaking book. I baought the book thinking it would be a smart zombie survival story...

Sad, I'll guess I'll have to read this book :World War Z
It's Stephen King. The man puts out like 5 novels a year. What did you expect?

In all honesty, King is VERY hit and miss. And when he misses, he tends to miss by a lot. Still he certainly has some good ones. I guess Cell isn't one of them.
I should really read some Stephen King, start with something from The Dark Tower series or something else that is highly rated.
Yea read a fair bit of King's stuff, his early stuff is really good and creepy at times.

Starting the Dark Tower series at the moment, first one down just getting into the second part :D

Dark Tower is shaping up really good, recommend peeps get the first one and have a read
Read the extended version of The Stand. It's ****ing awesome.
The Stand and the Dark Tower series are the only good works he's ever written.
Read his novel IT. Actually, just watch the movie.

You will shit Greek children.
The tower series is excellent. The third book in the series is my favorite by far.
I've only read The Green Mile, how is that compared to Cell?
Read Green Mile and Desperado.(Desperation?)