cfg question



I've been trying to enter some simple console commands such as cl_ragdoll_collide "1" and fps_max "70" and such into my counter-strike source config file. the problem is when I play, none of the commands I type in take effect, I have to type them myself in the console everytime I play.

Now this is really annoying and a pain in the ass. I will go to check my config file after and the commands I entered and saved are now gone. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a diferent file I should be entering these commands into so that I do not have to re-type them everytime I play?
set the config to 'read only' then steam wont reset it (but you have to disable this for updates)
either that, or create an autoexec.cfg file somewhere.
would you care to go into detail? or do I just create a file with this name in the same directory as my config?
Create a file called autoexec.cfg with same same stuff you want to run everytime you start Counter Strike Source
yeah.. not sure where.. but i would guess with some .exe's
autoexec.cfg goes in your
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\YOUREMAILGOESHERE\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg
now do I just name like a notepad file autoexec.cfg? or should I copy an existing cfg type file and edit that?

sorry im new to this
And when you're about to save it make sure the drop down box is "all file types" and not "text".