Changing language of half-life


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
When I was on holiday in Europe I bought half life generation from the EB games in Italy, and well it seems the game appears to be in Italian, not just the installation and menu screen but the in-game dialogue has been dubbed over in Italian too. Is there any way at all to change the game language? Any patches (legal or not) to change the language?

Edit: If I choose to activate using the CD key through steam and download off steam will I get the English version?
#1Yes, there is. There should be a option to cahnge the language of steam and your games.

#2 Probably, if your steam language is english.
I didn't see an option to select language when installing off the cd. Though the whole thing was in Italian so I couldn't really tell anyway.
just install it fully
link it to steam
and change the game language through steam
john3571000 said:
just install it fully
link it to steam
and change the game language through steam
Ahh ok thanks. How do I link it to steam?

Edit: Oh and for some reason iTunes recognizes it as a music cd, and it imported 28 songs off the cd :P
in steam there is a button for activate a product
click it
enter the cd-key
halflife 1 will appear in the steam games menu
right click on it and go to properties
change the language