character#2 type1 for RIVALS (95% ready)


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score

and modell:






nice but cant u make the legs longer or something? they look so short...or maybe they are to fat.

EDIT:hmm the clothes shuld be a little bit more darker like in the picture.(its cooler when its DARK) :) but maybe its just me...
Personally, I think he's to fat to be realistic. Or rather, to wide. Just look at the head, its nothing like the reference.
But if its suppose to be like that (every mod has its own style :)), then its pretty neat.

Edit: And yeah, both arms and legs are to short... Maybe I'm just tall, but if I stand my fingers are way below my hip :)
Just remember some of these rules if you are trying to portray an accurate human:

hands if down by his/her side are between knee and waist (but closer to waist)

One streched hand should cover the whole face

The legs should be aproximately 1.5x the length of the body
the hadns need a bit of work. the look like surgical gloves blown up, but yeah, the models really good. i think the ears need to b pulled back a bit, when u wear a balaclava, ur ears r squashed to the side of ur head. also, theres a lot of polys on the legs, where its sometimes just straight, try and use those polys to create more creases and rolls in the trousers.
His head is too wide, looks liek a monkey's. Also, cloth generally conforms to the laws of gravity, so the jackets should seem liks it's hanging from his arms, not like it has wires in it.
a very nice tip is to get a poser model and model the cloth over it to get proportions rite and make the cloth look rite and then make the low poly BODY parts.
He's really wide, plus what everybody else said.

PS: Is that picture from the movie Heat?
looks great, but the tie, lapel, and shirt collar should just be part of the texture, instead of poly's. I guess thats a personal decision, but it'd save my gf4 a few fps :) i guess if you were going to have his tie flop around it'd have to be modelled... damn that would kick ass
I disagree about the collar and such being textured on. For years the suits we've seen in games have been flat. Look at the old gman. We have the technology now, so why not put it to work and use just a few extra polys to have an actual collar? True, the suit lapel could easily be a bump or normal map, but I think trying to do the other parts just with the texture would look a little too HL1.

Just my $0.02, that's how I plan to do my player models.
looks nice. U need to make the jaw bone more distinct in the head though. Make the neck area a bit higher up. Apart from that and some dodge fingers then its wicked. wp nice work.
Ok 96 %:
2800 tris used
model has no textures!!(some should remamber:)




heat. Proberly one of my fav films. Its got robert de niro in and lets face it any film with him is class.
Heh, I just looked it up on IMDB and I wish I had time to run out and buy it right now :cheese:
Unfortunately, I have to go to work, but anyway, Nice job on the model, look forward to seeing it in-game.
hmm is the body fully built under the jacket? isn't that a waste of polies?

I prefer Al Pacino :p
make the foot of the pants more baggy, not form-fitting to his ankles, jawbone, dont make my graphics card render his body when its going to be hidden under a jacket anyway. other than that, MUCH MUCH better
Nice job man, character modelling is way harder than weapons modelling. Looks like you got it pretty sorted though. Nice job
NO there is no hidden body under suit ,juts what you see.
and the only reference was:
-my suit:)
-pics from "Heat"
-my in the mirror:)
-some modells in suits pics
so u didn't actually use a human body image plane? because tbh that would be the only thing u would have needed.
the top renders look fantastic

very smooth and fluent

great work
Not bad but the pants looks to smooth. Otherwise great job.
Good job on this.

The only critique I have is what Jubei said - the pant legs look a little to smooth. You'll be looking at the pants a lot more than the shoes, so maybe you could afford some more polygons in the legs to give the pants a bit more of a "ruffled" look?

Textures will add a lot, though, I'm sure.