character questions


Mar 29, 2005
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ok so i have an smd file of a human for 3ds max and the textures to go with it. i havent quite got to applying the textures, because im not sure how to allign them correctly. for example, how do i align the texture so that the face fits the model? i am very new to modeling for half life 2 btw and specifically character modeling. another question is how do i make things bulge smoothly? say if theres a a bicep i want to make bulge out, how would that be done without manipulating verticies (thats what ive been doing so far but it doesnt look so hot)?
Well to start with your texture problem, do you know about UVW mapping? That is usually the surest and best way to get things to look right, and if it is UVW maped the textures should go right on it without a problem. As far as modeling the character itself, it would be best to get side and frontal images to match your model best and put it in the back ground, and normally the appraoch I take is by starting out with a plane for the body, build it out and adjust to the images, then extrude sides and so on.
nope never heard of UVW mapping. is there a tutorial anywhere for that?
There's several but there are different ways of going about it. You kind of have to find which one fits best for you, but prepare, you will need patience for this. At the moment I can't point out any specific tutorials (Since I was taught it.) hopefully some one else can direct you.