Characters you (love to) Hate


Aug 17, 2006
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List the characters from TV and Film that you love to hate, or just plain hate.

Kai Winn, Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Ambitious, pretentious, self-righteous and often immoral - all under a veil of courtesy and humility.

The Warden, The Shawshank Redemption
An exploitative, ruthless prick.
Mace Windu from Star Wars. Its all his fault. Everything happened because of him.
I can't love hating people, I'm just not that complex. In terms of loving amoral characters, Boris Grishenko, Alec Trevelyan, Benjamin Linus, Light Yagami and the Joker.

In terms of outright hating of characters, I suppose most of the new star wars villains in 1-3. In fact, probably most of the new star wars characters in general. Particularly that alien whos name starts with J. You know the one.
Gary Oldman as Stansfield - Leon
Tony Soprano's sister - The Sopranos

Lisa Simpson - the Simpsons

The Cyclops woman - Futurama

The female neighbor - Married, With Children

Hmmmm... all intelligent and serious female roles who ruin all the fun and laughs. It's no coincidence they are all female. Males always get the stupid idiot role, which is inherently funny.
Gary Oldman as Stansfield - Leon
Just watched this. Gary Oldman is the ultimate bastard. :D

The captain from Pan's Labyrinth was an awesome villain, so easy to loathe. Wine bottle + farmboy face = HAET.

Also, Roy.


"Like tears in rain... time to die." Villains are so much cooler when they accept their fate.
Al Swearengen from Deadwood. The Machiavellian bastard.

Also, George Hearst from Deadwood.

Pretty much every villian in Deadwood is awesome

Senator Kinsey
Stargate SG-1

Man I love the actor but only because he made me hate the character so much, an irredeemable jackass that got what was coming to him, shame it took so many season.
Anakin Skywalker for being such an imbecile, he had awsome jedi powers, destined for great things, a awsome mentor almost like a father, a hot wife, child on the way, and he goes and ****s it all up because he's a moron.

Evan Drago out of Rocky 4, because the bastard killed Apollo Creed.

Victor Drazen and his two sons, 24 season 1, evil bastards.

Gollum out Lord of the Rings, I swear the way he talks drives me mental, I so wanted Sam to gut him.
Anakin Skywalker for being such an imbecile, he had awsome jedi powers, destined for great things, a awsome mentor almost like a father, a hot wife, child on the way, and he goes and ****s it all up because he's a moron.

I just hated him because he acted like an angsty teen instead of a corrupted bad ass.

He was what, like 20 when the whole Darth Vader thing started? Yet he's acting like a little 14 year old at Hot Topic with his mom, "I HAATEEE YOU, I HATE YOUU!!"

Senator Kinsey
Stargate SG-1

Man I love the actor but only because he made me hate the character so much, an irredeemable jackass that got what was coming to him, shame it took so many season.

What I find funny about this actor is that he basicaly played almost the same kind of character in Stargate SG1, Robocop and Total Recall. Kind of makes you wonder if he isn't just playing himself really LOL:P
Lucas sucks, as well as his star wars I II III.