Characters you relate to


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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What film/book characters do you relate to?
Me, Agnis Knit, Discworld series. No I don't have split personalities and I don't want to change my name to something retarded, but I am too nice for my own good. If someone asks me to do something I'll usualy do it, no matter how annoyed it makes me.
I can't think of any character like me... :/
I spose i'm just myself :)
Georgia Lass.


Except for the not-being-a-girl part, we share a lot personality characteristics. The show is Dead Like Me, for all the poor bastards who've never seen it.
Oh what a show. Damn those bastards for canceling it after 2 seasons. It had SO much potential.

And to elaborate on my choice, I have Dilberts "knack" and insistence to fix things that are broken, and Dogberts Megalomania.
The Narrator - Fight Club

I have the same ****ed off attitude to most things at the moment. :bonce:
Molly from Neuromancer.

I too am a razorgirl with inset lenses for eyes.
Reginald said:
The Narrator - Fight Club

I have the same ****ed off attitude to most things at the moment. :bonce:

hahaha fuk

start a club
I think maybe the character of Cal from Clive Barker's novel Weaveworld. He's kind of an aimless, sad soul, yet he tries to be noble. His default state is a kind of contented emptiness until he becomes consumed by the search for this abstract concept of Wonderland, which he glimpses at the beginning of the book. At times he feels like he's being guided by a mad, dead irish poet relative. Once, while being raped by an undead ghostly whore-beast as part of an interrogation tactic, Cal slips into a recital of a bunch of train timetables that he has learnt by heart in an attempt to...well, nothing. But it gets him off the hook. Admirable madness.

Due to my sociopathy I also tend to sympathise with villains. I particularly tend to like victim/villain hybrids like Boromir and Gollum. But Cal is cool because he's fundamentally innocent, which is something I wish I was.
Tyler Durden (no, this is not some adolescent fascination)

Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye
I feel like Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby often. Minus the rich part.
Any of Vonnegut's main characters really. Especially Billy Pilgrim and Malachi Constant.
Lester from American Beauty
Narrator from Camus' The Stranger
Robert Jordan from For Whom the Bell Tolls
Amelie, from the movie.
Too shy to ever get anything done, and the crazy imagination.
They don't put characters like me in literature. I'm uninteresting.

Actually, how about Job? From the Book of Job. Or Pip from Great Expectations.

I feel a bit like Nick (the main character) from The Great Gatsby. And also like the main character, Daniel, from The Shadow of the Wind. And a lot of other stuff.
Can't think of anyone in particular who I've made a strong connection with just now... but anyone else get that thing, where you go to watch a movie, and you end up sorta unconciously acting like the main character for the rest of the day, even if it's just the way they walk or a certain characteristic? I guess in the same sorta way that when I've been playing Call of Duty all night, I'm totally tweaked out and looking at windows wondering if, and at which angle I could get a grenade in.
Yeah. sometimes I check for ventilation ducts in a room for no reason.

I can sometimes relate to the Woody Allen type character.
Mortimer Brewster from the movie Arsenic and Old Lace.

"Aunt Abby, how can I believe you? There are twelve bodies in the cellar and you admit you poisoned them."
"Yes, I did. But you don't think I'd stoop to telling a fib."
Donnie Darko know...

I am almost exactly like the main guy from The Graduate.

So, some mix of the two. Insane, awkward, but in kind of a good way...
If I'm lying to myself... Indiana Jones!


If I'm being truthful... Dante Hicks!

Cloud Strife!

And the pussy half of Tyler Durden.
Thomas Covenant. Self-loathing and bitter, and unable to help himself.

-Angry Lawyer
Well then I guess I relate to Thomas Convenant too. And every other self-disgusted, ill-motivated character.
Angry Lawyer, you may not be fictitious, but you are a legend.
