

Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Bump dididly bump bump bump.

Please help.. I would like to finish ordering everything today! These are the last 3 parts that I need. Please help.
That is pretty much where I bought most of my products, but not my CPU or MOBO. I bought them from ZipZoomFly.. Zip is cheaper.. But I don't know what to do. I would like some help.
what can i say. I almost only use pricewatch.

With it I find this:
mandatory check:

personally, go with newegg probably. it's nice not to deal with more sellers than you need to. but $11 is $11

memory is also avail on newegg. superficially, looks the same:
the corsair looks nearly as good. you could buy the geil, or other higher end ones, and get lower latency. In most cases that only makes a few percent speed difference. your decision. a few percent is a few percent, but money is money. how's that for helpful :p
this is assuming you are NOT overclocking. If you are, more expensive memory has benefits.
cheapest brand name ram on newegg:
you can get marginally better latencies for around $180

if you have much of a concern about hard-drive speed, you should look at newer drives. newer drives use newer technology, in that their data density is higher. higher density gives you better transfer performance, i.e. more megs/second.
it's not exactly a world of difference, but it is some.
access time doesn't change much unless you go to a 10k drive. generally, they are very $$.
check for hard-drive reviews. the performance database has comparison database will all review drives. pick the gaming benchmark, see hows yours stacks up, and check out prices on ones that look good.
If you want small and cheap and fast, well... they are not incompatible. I saw a sale on a 160gb drive for $50 about two weeks ago. it was a killer I'm sad I missed it myself... that is rare, but several drives out there can be had for a deal, ~50cents/meg, even on reasonably small sizes.
that drive might be great. I know it's predecessors are. look around if it's a concern though.
So you are saying the Geil is better for overclocking? They both seem like they would work exactly the same to me. If I were to get the Mushkin and decide I want to overclock my AMD 64 3200+, will I be able to without flaws? Or are you talking about overclocking the ram? I won't really need to overclock it.

I really wasn't about to fork out the extra $100 for a 10k rpm hdd. All I want is a decent size 80 gb 7200 rpm drive.

Also, I really appreciate your help Phisionary!

Any other suggestions would be great!!! Thanks a lot!!
the lower the latency, the better the potential for overclocking, basically. The best you can get is 2-2-2-5, and some come as low as 3-4-4-8. If both are rated at the same speed (say, pc-3200) then the 2-2-2-5 will run faster, especially applications that like lower latency RAM. I'm no expert though, and I haven't been able to find out A) exactly how much of a difference it makes -or- B) what applications benefit from low latency most. There seems to be a shortage of good information about this issue.

Brands can make a difference in performance, even at the same ratings. OCZ makes the faster RAM that I've seen, it seems to be 'tuned' to run faster; I don't understand the mechanism, but it does. It's not something you can tell just looking at it, but it does exist. Also, some manufcturers use memory that is so cheap, or so close to the ratings listed, that there is a chance that they will not run at a the listed speed. This is probably pretty rare, but it's a good idea to get brand name ram in general. Mushkin used to be a big brand back in the pre-DDR days (it's what I have OC'd in this computer right now, in fact), so I'd say they are a decent brand regardless. All that overclocking needs from ram is the ability to go just a bit over stock. This is just so you don't have to drop to a lower memory-multiplier-ratio sooner than you really need to. You can almost always relax the timings, but it would be a shame to OC and find out your system ran slower. :p Just saying, it's good to have a little room to play with. Getting a good brand increases the chance that it will perform above-spec, generally.

And no, I wasn't suggesting you get a 10k drive, thay are pricey enough it's very difficult to justify it versus the performance gain. especially in the average system. But any computer could gain from higher transfer rates, just for installs, and level-loading, or for copying from one drive to another. And the newer the drive, the better that rate will be in general.

Western Digital seems to be a great brand in general, but you should check the stats on temperature, noise, etc. on the site. If it runs hot it might be less stable if your case has mediocre airflow, and noise is self-explanitory.
Check out this comparison graph:
The second drive (on the right) is the drive you linked to. The drive on the left is the one I told you was available for $50 (although it was a rebate deal, so not something regularly avalable). It is faster in all ways. Basically, you can do better. It's even more quiet (though I read recently that seagates, with their low drive-motor sound, have a read-head 'click' that is annoying to some ppl).

If you want to see different drives, go here and check some boxes:
The one you selected is rather close to the bottem, IHMO.

Anyway. It might be worth a look to find a better drive.
BTW, the deal I mentioned was a found at, in the storage section.
They don't tend to last very long, but some of the deals seem killer. It's hard to get a particular item.
Speak of the devil. check this. ends today. I don't know how you collect on these things though. hmm.
I won't reccomend it. I hate rebates, I wouldn't wish them on anybody unless they are really interested. :/

Wow.. You have been a great help.

I think I am going to go with the Mushkin only because the rams timings are better than the Geil. Although, I could easily overclock the Geil to probably run just as good as the Mushkin. Also, the other reason why is because it cuts down on my cost by $50 which I can use on my new router.

Also, I am going to be looking through these hard drives. Thanks a lot. I will finalize my purchase tomorrow! Thanks a lot Phisionary!

That leads me to another question. Routers.. I was looking around and was wondering if this would be a good WIRELESS router to use. I am going to be forced to run wireless and this is the one that I thought could be good. I was going to use this router with this PC card to use for my internet. I am pretty much forced to use wireless only because I am 2 floors away from where my router is.


PC Card

It would be a great help if someone can clear up if this will be a good choice to run wireless with. Like I said, I will be forced to run this setup from 2 floors away and was wondering if it would connect decently. Thanks for the help!
I can't help you with that, mate. I know **** all about wireless stuff.

GL. :cheers:
:p Thanks anyway. I am sure there are some wireless geniuses here! :)

Please help as I will be buying the rest of my PC soon and will only be able to run wireless internet!! I would love to get my computer up before I go back to school. This is the only time I have time to setup everything on my computer!
Bump. Please help with my last question about wireless networks!