Cheat the achievements.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Some of the achievements are frankly impossible to get while others will leave you playing the same level on hours on expert, and you will never make it. I found out that if you enable some cheats though, you can get past the impossible achievements. I cheated to get these:

  • ZOMBICIDAL MANIAC- Survive any campaign on Expert.
  • WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE?- Survive all campaigns on Expert.
  • NOTHING SPECIAL- Survive a campaign with no Survivors taking damage from Special Infected.
  • STOMACH UPSET- All Survivors complete a campaign without being vomited on.
  • SAFETY FIRST- Play an entire campaign with no Survivors taking friendly fire damage.

I don't even think I can get "Stomach Upset" with cheats. :x Anyways what you do is start a game on single player mode with the difficulty on Expert. Then you kill your fellow Survivors. Then you enable cheats and turn on noclip. Noclip all the way to the safe room and before you close the door, disable all cheats or it won't work! In the finale though you want to turn on god mode only and battle it out. Just remember before getting rescued to disable cheats.
as in setting sv_cheats back to 0 or simply turning off godmode/noclip etc.?

I tried recently and couldn't get it too work for some reason.

and before you go and judge me, the reason I wanted to cheat was to get the "zombicidal maniac" for dead air as I did this campaign on expert with some friends, but I didn't manage to survive the finale...but I still completed the damn thing and many a time the team wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for I think I deserve it.
My achievments reset after a couple days. And my ****ing no friendly fire went away
I have no respect for you now.

I didn't really before... but now I never will.
as in setting sv_cheats back to 0 or simply turning off godmode/noclip etc.?

I tried recently and couldn't get it too work for some reason.

and before you go and judge me, the reason I wanted to cheat was to get the "zombicidal maniac" for dead air as I did this campaign on expert with some friends, but I didn't manage to survive the finale...but I still completed the damn thing and many a time the team wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for I think I deserve it.
You have to remove all the cheats like "noclip 0" first then "sv_cheats 0". To turn it on it's a 1 instead of a 0. I got to level 3 of Death Toll yesterday before giving up on Expert. Even then it took me 3 hours to get to that point. :x IMO those are the only ones that are impossible to get.
It isn't impossible actually.

I got them. LEGIT! (took a lot of time and effort but that's why it's called 'ACHIEVEMENT')

If you can't you're either doing it wrong, have poor team mates, or you simply aren't that great at the game and need to put the difficulty down.
It isn't impossible actually.

I got them. LEGIT! (took a lot of time and effort but that's why it's called 'ACHIEVEMENT')

If you can't you're either doing it wrong, have poor team mates, or you simply aren't that great at the game and need to put the difficulty down.

agreed...I have them all except 4 and I got them all legit too
You can, but it isn't nearly as enjoyable (or frustrating... depending on your team mates asshole level)
Why bother. Zombicidal Maniac isn't that hard to get, and nor is What Are You Trying To Prove?, since you don't actually have to survive the campaign to get it logged.

To get achievements on Left 4 Dead, you just have to play with people who aren't retarded if they require a smidgen of teamwork.
Pro-tip for Safety First : Kick the bots and play the whole campaign 1player.

It's doable on Easy. Maybe normal too.
Why would anyone waste their time doing this? They're taking time away from playing the real game and having fun.
Why bother. Zombicidal Maniac isn't that hard to get, and nor is What Are You Trying To Prove?, since you don't actually have to survive the campaign to get it logged.

yes you do. learn to read. I did dead air on expert but died during the finale and I didn't get the achievement.
yes you do. learn to read. I did dead air on expert but died during the finale and I didn't get the achievement.

I can read perfectly.

The last part of the sentence applies only to What Are You Trying To Prove? (i think, since i've only completed 2 of 4 on expert).
What's the point in cheating for L4D achievements? It's not like they're tied to unlockable weapons like in TF2 or anything.

Are some of the achievements unattainable in single player? I haven't been able to get several (the ones where you never use a health pack on yourself or are never incapacitated, among others) in SP. It's mostly the ones where you go through an entire campaign without doing something; I remember getting Spinal Tap and Burn the Witch in single player.

That no healing thing means that you can't use medkits on yourself or you're teammates healing you, which the ai insists on doing.

Please unblock me. : (
You have to remove all the cheats like "noclip 0" first then "sv_cheats 0". To turn it on it's a 1 instead of a 0. I got to level 3 of Death Toll yesterday before giving up on Expert. Even then it took me 3 hours to get to that point. :x IMO those are the only ones that are impossible to get.

You just gotta play expert enough. I've only played expert and earlier today I beat Death Toll on expert in 1hr and 9min. I'm not playing expert cause i'm 'super-cool' (although I am), I'm playing cause I want that damn achievement. And playing on normal or advanced wont make them any easier to get!
  • ZOMBICIDAL MANIAC- Survive any campaign on Expert.
  • WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE?- Survive all campaigns on Expert.
  • NOTHING SPECIAL- Survive a campaign with no Survivors taking damage from Special Infected.
  • STOMACH UPSET- All Survivors complete a campaign without being vomited on.
  • SAFETY FIRST- Play an entire campaign with no Survivors taking friendly fire damage.
That's really poor form TBH. I mean I can understand farming in TF2 but why would you bother in L4D?
I'm the opposite I feel bad when I get an achievement I don't think I earned, like Untouchables which seems to have glitched or Stand Tall which I got in Normal difficulty.

yes you do. learn to read. I did dead air on expert but died during the finale and I didn't get the achievement.
Well something is dodgy because I was on 3/4 even though I'd only actually survived 1/4. (I've since actually survived the other 2, only got bloody Blood Harvest to go)
if your incapped, but still alive, when the campaign ends you get it...if your dead, dead you don't. which is why I have no qualms cheating to get that one achievement since I completed the damn campaign, but just didn't survive to the credit roll.
I don't see no point in doing this. However, if these was TF 2 with their ridiculous requirements to enable new weapons,i'd be singing a different tune.
can you get achievements on singleplayer :|
That's how I did a couple. Every achievement I did legit except for those. It's just annoying knowing that I don't have those, idk. :P Expert is just way too hard for me though because it feels like the Director cheats. The other I mean it's bound to happen getting attacked by a Special Infected and even the AI Survivors TK from time to time.
I have never experienced any AI FF(one of the few good things about them) must suck really hard.

If you find expert too hard and can't beat it normally you don't deserve to have the hardest achievements.

I fully support your right to cheat, but I do hope you never join my l4d games. You sound like a shitty player.

But you probably wont join my games because expert is a wittle too hard for you.
I don't see no point in doing this. However, if these was TF 2 with their ridiculous requirements to enable new weapons,i'd be singing a different tune.

So you see a point?
Or is this just a gramatical misunderstanding via a double negative?
I'm just verifying here.
I once got a bug on TF2 where it counted as me eating a Sandvich every second even when I wasn't. I got to 100 from about 20 in a matter of minutes.

I got the achievement, shrugged and carried on. I would have got it regardless but it just saved the effort of standing there eating them during set up.

However if I got some achievements through cheating, I'd be a bit miffed.
I don't see the point in cheating to get these. Might as well just get them at some point or not.
So you see a point?
Or is this just a gramatical misunderstanding via a double negative?
I'm just verifying here.

What "grammatical" misunderstanding?

Left4Dead=no unlocks besides achievements. Cheating of any kind is pointless.
TF2=weapon unlocks but no cheats available. However, if there were i would probably use them to unlock the weapons.

Simple enough of an explanation for you?