Check out this guy's TRON costume!

It almost looks like he has a camel toe.
Ah. I'm speechless. I thought you were talking about tr0n....
LOL Raziaar.

That's...oh my god. Sometimes I wish our entire species was simply wiped off the planet.
Thats lame.......yet definatley lame

/me has a spasm
That would be ok, if he was 12 and weighed under 120lbs.

I have seen that before somewhere.

Edit: Mabye it IS tr0n.'s been circulated through the net for ages.Still funny none the less.

Edit: No it's not me.I ain't into that shit anyways. ;)
Seen it before. And my eyes bled black then too ;(
Raziaar said:
It almost looks like he has a camel toe.
How would you know! You can barely see his feet!
EDIT: Dear god! You just made me google "camel toe". Bastard, my mum almost saw those results!
dekstar said:
How would you know! You can barely see his feet!
EDIT: Dear god! You just made me google "camel toe". Bastard, my mum almost saw those results!
:dozey: Home schooled?
Wow, you guys hadn't seen this before? I thought it was circled quite often, like that Every Time God Kills A Kitten (Another one who someone I know only just found) picture. Maybe I hang around on the internet too much...

:laugh: Caught googling "camel toe", hope you made up a good excuse.
This guy was on leno or letterman, I forget which. they sent him out on a date with some girl and he was wearing that outfit too, twas pretty funny
its "Milton" from Office space.

"mmmm..Can i have my mumble....sir?...mmmm..."
dekstar said:
How would you know! You can barely see his feet!
EDIT: Dear god! You just made me google "camel toe". Bastard, my mum almost saw those results!


Now google teabagging. :E
Does anyone else think that dude looks like the guy from Office Space?? The "Have you seen my stapler?" dude.