Check out what the US army will give its soldiers 10 years from now!!

Next time we invade Iraq we'll see the coalition forces rocket jumping around the streets of Baghdad.
Black clothes in a desert. Good thinking ;) Neither of them looks particularly good. But the weight loss was quite remarkable.

BTW I don't think this is serious... lookit this quote: "The Future Force Warrior will be a responsive and formidable member of an invincible battle space team," DeGay explained, describing the system scheduled to be fielded by 2010.
LittleB said:

BTW I don't think this is serious... lookit this quote: "The Future Force Warrior will be a responsive and formidable member of an invincible battle space team," DeGay explained, describing the system scheduled to be fielded by 2010.
well, its .mil, so its a military site, right? :|
how am I supposed to hit his head with a brick if I cant see it? ...meh they're not molotov proof :thumbs:
When they remove the person from that setup, then I'll be impressed.
kidrock450 said:
To bad they will never use it :LOL:

What the hell? Are you one of those idiotic 'freedom fries' lunatics?

Anyway, I hope the hud and crap in the helmet are user friendly. tbh I don't want to shout "Next menu!" "select!" "Down down, left right up select!" "3!" "Close menu!" while under fire.... or hell, when I'm just sitting on my ass in the desert. It's stupid.
Great, all we need is a uniform that makes the U.S. Military look even more intimidating and closer to becoming a police state.... Oh wait... (sarcasm)
Ah well, at least america can continue to evolve their combat gear, etc. Sadly for the UK I doubt we will even have an army by 2005 with the amount of cuts Mr. Hoon is making. :hmph:
CptStern said:
how am I supposed to hit his head with a brick if I cant see it? ...meh they're not molotov proof :thumbs:

yes... kill those bastard american soldiers, they are such criminals! :upstare:

ed: theres some pretty cool technology going into their fatigues, looks very sci-fi.
LittleB said:

BTW I don't think this is serious... lookit this quote: "The Future Force Warrior will be a responsive and formidable member of an invincible battle space team," DeGay explained, describing the system scheduled to be fielded by 2010.

Doesnt mean outer space you nubbins... It just means the space on the battlefield....
bliink said:
but..... but.... its, pale blue!

When America takes over the world, it won't matter what color our uniforms are.
Well its pretty hard to respect your master and overlord when they are walking around in a light pink, with red frills around the edges.
Dalamari said:
When America takes over the world, it won't matter what color our uniforms are.

Yeah, and Dubya is already working on that one.
A cool suit for the general infantryman. And for the specialists, the Defence Department's working on full-body armoured exoskeletons (Hard frames, unlike these suits, which would be stiffened soft material). Like the legs of these suits (what with the pistons and all), but all over the body, and with more ballistic protection attatched.
It would be cool if they had the things out of Starship Troopers(The book). I can't really be bothered explaining it all, so just read the book :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
It would be cool if they had the things out of Starship Troopers(The book). I can't really be bothered explaining it all, so just read the book :D
/me points out his post above.
Its not exact, but its close.
Direwolf said:
* Direwolf points out his post above.

Its not exact, but its close.

I saw that, but it isn't close really. The suits in the book had artificial muscle and things like that.
Well I guess a lot of people have interpreted Heinlein's designs differently, since it leaves a good deal of room for imagination.