Check this Optimus keyboard !

Wow, thats pretty cool. Very cool idea.
It looks like its pretty big though...
Pretty sweet for gamers.

Never have to pause because you forgot where the 'drop weapon' key was again!
lol thread #3 for this keyboard, it's just that damn good.
I was just about to run over and post this. I hate you. :(

It's awesome.
Am I the only person who doesn't look at the keyboard while playing? :P First thing I do is bind keys :D

Pretty damn sweet concept tbh.
ComradeBadger said:
Am I the only person who doesn't look at the keyboard while playing? :P First thing I do is bind keys :D

Pretty damn sweet concept tbh.

Same here. Anyone who can't remember where they just bound the drop key shouldn't be playing games in the first place.
It'd certainly be useful for photoshop. I use shortcut keys all the time, but sometimes i forget a certain one, and I have trouble finding it in the menu, usually because it's hidden under a sub-menu. Besides, who wouldn't want a digital keyboard?
Ive never wanted to make love to somthing more then that in my whole life.
Just one question, how does the keyboard know what a key is bound to, and how does it know what icon to display?
Sweet makes you wonder where theyll take this next keyboards with built in lcds? Thisll be useful for me because I stayup late and smetimes i cant see the keys resulting in nightvision in cs ;/
Am I the only one who thinks this is a complete waste?

Although, it would come in handy when looking for those hotkeys in botoshop.

If I were to hold down alt, would all the keys change to their alt+ modifiers?
sinkoman said:
If I were to hold down alt, would all the keys change to their alt+ modifiers?

I guess they would. Same for shift and capslock.
damn i thought you ment optimus prime and got excited..
Yeah, the only concern I have about this, is that Red and Green oLED's have a lifespan of 10,000 hours, while Blue oLEDs have a lifespan of 1,000 hours.

However, Kodak has claimed to make a blue oLED that lasts 10,000. So I guess we'll see.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's. Not. Real.

Not yet it isn't.


I got to admit though, I got skeptical about this too, after looking at the rest of the site and finding out that this guy is a graphic designer.
JellyWorld said:
Just one question, how does the keyboard know what a key is bound to, and how does it know what icon to display?
That's two questions!
JellyWorld said:
Just one question, how does the keyboard know what a key is bound to, and how does it know what icon to display?

I would image that you would have to run some software to control it all. Does look like a very cool keyboard though.
Seems like a good idea. Expensive mind you.

Would be nice to switch between QWERTY and DVORAK.
sinkoman said:
Not yet it isn't.


I got to admit though, I got skeptical about this too, after looking at the rest of the site and finding out that this guy is a graphic designer.

When I first read the site, there was no mention of it being scheduled for any kind of released. Obviously, this information has been added since the site got popular.
Obviously, they didnt know when it was going to be in production at the time then.
Pi Mu Rho said:
When I first read the site, there was no mention of it being scheduled for any kind of released. Obviously, this information has been added since the site got popular.

Wrong, it was there all the time.

All major sites confirmed the news.