Check your email addresses


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Can everyone please check the email address in their profile is up to date. I'm getting a lot of bounced emails from people as their mailbox no longer exists. If you don't have an up to date email account then you might find your account gets deleted soon. If you need a new email account, and other sites offer free email services.
Shall we be expecting an email from you then? Post peoples seem to be up to date i know, but thanks for the warning.
Oh and if you want a big storage capacity i'll send you a gmail invite if you PM your email (thats for the 3 people left in this world without gmail)
Hectic Glenn said:
Shall we be expecting an email from you then?

Not if you don't have an email address that works :P

I've just cleared about half a million bounced emails from the server and want to keep it nice and tidy from now on.
Send me a e-mail and tell me how much you <3 me.

I demand it.
Well, you just got an email from me so let's hope yours is right Munro ;)

But yeah, mine's right
Munro said:
I've just cleared about half a million bounced emails from the server and want to keep it nice and tidy from now on.
lol...half a million, oit slags out there sort it out...

by the way, this was organised, it was our plan to get you working a full day, getting the site up and deleting all those emails. Some hard graft, take a rest now.
Ban them all! They're trying to do a sneaky DDoS attack on us by flooding us with e-mails! BAN THEM ALLLL!!!
My e-mail may have been bouncing today. It's working now though.

I just got the email- I haven't been here since Hl2s release, maybe I'll hang around more often.
Welcome back Thursday :)
haha thats your plan! To reel all the users back in to see your new shiny toy...yes i am talking about the site (tr0n)