Cheeseburger In A Can


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Yes, you read that right.,2183/

How about I start you off with the ad picture!


I'll let you figure the rest out yourself.
Looks just like the picture they used to advertise it with.
Are you guys kidding? I'd buy this for lunch every day no joke.

I bet it's stocked to the brim with preservatives that give you ass cancer.

Is it just me or does that look awesomely delicious?
TBH, if you can eat McDonalds, maybe this is the burger for you! :LOL:
It probably has more real meat in it than a quarter-pounder.
Ugh.. that's nasty. LOL at the reactions and comments.

Honestly you'd be better off taking caned fish of some sort than that shit in a can.
That may possibly be the funniest thing I've ever read. Haha, I ****ing love this writer.

I'll quote some without screwing up the emphasis -

'while the cheese and bun do not lend anything to the experience one way or the other, apart from helpfully keeping the "meat" further away from the taste buds.

• "I cannot swallow this. It will not go down."

• "It tastes like beef-flavored something. Beef-flavored matter."'

you should read the whole thing, or you'll become a lesbo within 3 years.
Say what you want about this, it looks like it would make a better bomb shelter ration than I imagine lots of other tinned meats and things look like

...not that i have a bomb shelter or anything
It will probably make you shit harder and longer than three White Castle crave cases.
Oh my god :O

I can't believe something like that exists

When I first tasted it, it didn't bother me, but it festered." "Really? I gagged the second it hit my tongue.

I was already disgusted when I read the topic title. It got even worse when I clicked the link :eek:

Self-made cheeseburgers rule the world.
Looks good tbh

Prolly wont taste good. (Should taste like those microwaved burgers at 7-Eleven)
veggie burgers make the best burgers IMO. ****ing insane.

...In Soviet Russia, meat eats you.
"Why would they put sauce on it already? That's retarded!" "You know what's retarded? A cheeseburger in a can."

lol. the last sentence pretty much sums it all up.
I don't know what you mean.

I was going to say -

I hope everyone that eats meat gets eaten by meat.

, but then I just put Russia instead. That way, If you are all eaten by bears, I won't feel guilty.
I thought you should never can breads? WTF is that hideous monstrousity?
lol. who the hell has a broiler with them camping? If you have all that, why not just make a regular hamburger. ****ing hell that's disgusting.