Chernobyl - 21 years ago


Party Escort Bot
Jul 10, 2006
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21 years ago, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident took place. How many still remember it? How many remember the valiant sacrifice of liquidators and firemen that fought the fire and radioactivity?

I do.

I was 3 at the time ... I don't remember it.

I bet most people on here werent even born.
It's not about what happened there (I'm 1988 by the way). It's about remembering what happened and not letting it fall into obscurity.
Ahh I see what you mean. I don't think anyone will forget. I think Chernobyl is a word known worldwide. Unfortunately nobody learns from the mistakes of the past, so it won't be the last.
I didn't even know about Chernobyl until I heard about STALKER.


And then I actually learned about it in Junior year, which was some time last year... it was one of the closing topics before promotion.
I remember Chernobyl. I was 12 at the time. What sticks to my mind most is that you couldn't eat spinach, because that vegetable was a bit like a radiation sponge.

And like Lucid said: most people on this forum probably know about Chernobyl through STALKER.
You people first heard about the Chernobyl from a member on this forum? :O Didn't you people attend to school?
I remember Chernobyl. I was 12 at the time. What sticks to my mind most is that you couldn't eat spinach, because that vegetable was a bit like a radiation sponge.

And like Lucid said: most people on this forum probably know about Chernobyl through STALKER.

I read about it on my own accord when I was 8+ish.

I know Cyberpitz didn't know about it till I told him "god, these people are ****ing retarded. Half of them didn't know what chernobyl was/is".

He replied, "Chernobyl? What is that? Sorry, i'm not a stalker whore."
I read about it on my own accord when I was 8+ish.

I know Cyberpitz didn't know about it till I told him "god, these people are ****ing retarded. Half of them didn't know what chernobyl was/is".

He replied, "Chernobyl? What is that? Sorry, i'm not a stalker whore."

Haha, yeeahhh..I really thought it was some town in Stalker....and nothing else.

I never heard about it until then. Quite sad...I think I'm going to look up some news strips of it.
21 years ago, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident took place. How many still remember it? How many remember the valiant sacrifice of liquidators and firemen that fought the fire and radioactivity?

I do.


i remember when i once chernobyled in the shower


i didn't clean it though...i just shunned the poo down the plug hole with my foot
I dont remember when I first heard of it, I think my dad told me about it at some point a long time ago. Pretty sad that it requires a movie or video game for people to know about such important things in our history.
I'm putin you ****ing bitch.

Well admit it! You did have something to do with it after all you were the head of the KGB at that time!:p

Also I was born exactly 8 months after it happened, and we live realtively close, does that make me a mutant LOL?
there were claims to be mutated animals like two headed dogs..and headless animals..

reminds me of that hl creature..
I wasn't born until two years and two months later :(

After reading about the areas around Chernobyl, I've learned that you can even visit Prypiat. They give you a geiger counter and a gas mask upon entering :D

I think it'd be awesome, and if I'm really rich some day that I can afford to take an extra vacation (I probably wouldn't want to replace this place with a real vacation), I'd probably want to head over there. Though it feels like I've already been there because of STALKER.

That very original and symbolic white and red smokestack (or whatever) of the Chernobyl NPP will always be an image in my head.

It's also interesting how the wildlife around Chernobyl (particularly in Prypiat and elsewhere in the Zone of Alienation) has not only survived, but flourished in wake of the disaster. Similiar to the Demiliterized Zone between North Korea and South Korea.

edit: It's really sad some of you didn't know what Chernobyl was/is until reading it here. I assume you know what three-mile island is?
After reading about the areas around Chernobyl, I've learned that you can even visit Prypiat. They give you a geiger counter and a gas mask upon entering :D

I think it'd be awesome, and if I'm really rich some day that I can afford to take an extra vacation (I probably wouldn't want to replace this place with a real vacation), I'd probably want to head over there. Though it feels like I've already been there because of STALKER.

Why sure, go there, but don't be surprised if you get cancer shortly afterwards.
21 years ago, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident took place. How many still remember it? How many remember the valiant sacrifice of liquidators and firemen that fought the fire and radioactivity?

I do.


yes, I remember quite well ..however north americans didnt really find out the extent of the accident till days after the explosion ...the first people on the scene had no clue they were being exposed to massive amounts of radiation's a first hand account from a fireman who survived
Well, considering I wasn't taught anything about this in school, and it's never came up, why is it my fault that I didn't google search "Nuclear Plant gone nuclear"?

And NO, I have no idea what the three-mile-island is. I'm assuming it's an island that's 3 miles long.
Well, considering I wasn't taught anything about this in school, and it's never came up, why is it my fault that I didn't google search "Nuclear Plant gone nuclear"?

And NO, I have no idea what the three-mile-island is. I'm assuming it's an island that's 3 miles long.

This I'm truly shocked at this...jesus christ. It happened in America.

I think it was the main reason for the Nuclear Power decline in the US.
Why sure, go there, but don't be surprised if you get cancer shortly afterwards.

Geiger counter saves all.

It's actually pretty safe in Prypiat, so I read.
Geiger counter saves all.

It's actually pretty safe in Prypiat, so I read.

As long as you avoid certain zones and don't start eating the berries and mushrooms the radiation isn't too bad now.
That's what they say. I probably wouldn't go into the city of Chernobyl though, Prypiat is close enough for me.

Too bad it has been looted to hell in the past 21 years.
Well, considering I wasn't taught anything about this in school, and it's never came up, why is it my fault that I didn't google search "Nuclear Plant gone nuclear"?

And NO, I have no idea what the three-mile-island is. I'm assuming it's an island that's 3 miles long.
I've never been to a day of school in my life, and I have known about it since before STALKER.
I'll be the first to say


If you don't mind, please indulge us.
You people first heard about the Chernobyl from a member on this forum? :O Didn't you people attend to school?

I learned about it when I was like ten cause nuclear disasters are way cool! :D
School probably told me about it like six years later :P
I learned about it verrrry briefly, just that somewhere in a place called Chernobyl there was a meltdown and people got fuxxored by the carcinogens being released pretty far. Wiki has a good article on it if you want to know more.
I remember it because people keep using it as an excuse to shy away from nuclear power.
It was also poorly handled by the Soviets. They didn't even alert the public until at least two days after the meltdown, which included some in the Alienation Zone.
So, I beat STALKER on the 21st anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Cool timing.
I knew about it long time ago but not so much,my mom who dont like anything nuclear related allways told me about this place where a nuclear expliton hapened and stuff

but I knew much more when I saw stalker for the first and them investigated more and know much more know

and I think I saw something about that 3 mille incident too
I cant ever remember a time of not knowing about it. Probubly because I live on a farm and when I was growing up I dare say there was a Farmer's Weekly article or two about radioactive sheep in Wales (Because the mountains of Wales are the first high bit of land in the way of contaminated water vapour and such, so IIRC there were, and may still be, restrictions on selling meat from certain parts of Wales)

Definetly bad stuff. I didnt know about the liquidators and the other who worked at the site until quite a bit later, but I agree thier bravery and selflessness should be remembered.
I'm putin you ****ing bitch.
Don't give me that bullshit again son. ಠ_ಠ

I've known about it since I was young, but until a year ago I only knew of the explosion rather than the immense amounts of radiation and shit down there.
I'd really like to visit some of the areas that are open for viewing sometime in the future. There's a pretty cool site about this motorbiker who drives around the safe zones taking pictures.