Chet Faliszek Reveals CS:GO October Beta Release


May 6, 2005
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Alright, so after the first time round this failed, Chet Faliszek revealed that the CS:GO beta will open in October for people who get keys from the Eurogamer Expo and for pro-gamers. Everyone will get in by years end. Via The Reticule.[br]Meanwhile, Glenn has just completed an interview with Chet Faliszek about the CS:GO beta (it will be uploaded soon). He also nabbed a picture of the beta cards that were handed out at Eurogamer.[br]
Have they gave word on the differences between versions? I'm assuming that Xbox360 version won't support Steam or cross-platform.

Also to those confused by the first two replies, the opening post was originally completely blank.
Updated Evo's post to include some info I got from Glenn earlier on.
Thanks to Dek for tidying this one up for me, was on the showfloor, hit publish and it all disappeared. /groan
I'm back, was a great day. Will throw up some more pictures tomorrow morning and get our interview with Chet written up. Hopefully between Sulkdodds, Evo and myself we can do it in a reasonable amount of time!

We will have beta keys soon to give out to the community, Chet has promised them! So if you guys don't see any in October, we've stolen them and you are welcome to call for our heads. Also great to meet Samon for the first time and Ren 182 again. Oh and we also spoke with Ido Magal, I talked to him about you Ennui, poke me at some point and I'll fill you in.

Anyway...pretty exhausted. Until tomorrow!
Just got home, was nice to see you guys, Samon, sorry I missed you.

I died pretty damn quickly on the PS3 version (Keyboard and mouse please!) So whilst I was dead Chet said it'd be fine for me to record the game whilst I spectated. I'll get the videos uploaded in a while to the youtube channel.
Here you go:

First round:
(Note: Glenn's the one running around like a mad man in front of the Terrorist :D)

Second round:
Sulkdodds is the guy that get's knifed at the end!

Final Round:
Sulkdodds redeems himself

I have a few more videos, but they're taken from behind a barrier so I was a bit far away and it's kinda hard to make out whats on the screens. I'll upload them later anyway.

Was a great day, sadly I couldn't stick around with you guys too much due to my friends being there. Sulkdodds gives good hugs however. He basically leaped upon me when I handed him his wrist band so he could skip the queue :D haha <3

Oh, and these are on your YouTube channel so feel free to add them to your news post.

Also, I claim the title's official media creator. Glenn forgot his camera, along with his CS skills! ;)
Awesome stuff guys, I'm jealous. Gonna post all of this up on my site with some big fat credit once you guys get the interview up!
Flamov didn't say he was going. He should have said and we would have gladly said hello.
Unless he was walking around with a big sign saying "FLAMOV" then probably not. I don't think I even know who he is.
Couple more taken from behind the barriers. I really should have asked Chet if he'd let me film other people playing with their permission. Next time!

I know they aren't the best quality, but you should be able to see a bit more of Dust and a couple of weapons :)
damn you chet, what are you doing over there? fix the god damn l4d2.