Children of Men trailer

Wow. That looks amazing. Ill be watching that for sure.
Wow, great cast too. This movie looks like a must-see.
wow cool looking, anyone know the music in the first third of the trailer? i've heard it somewhere before, not sure about clive owen as the lead, he always seems a bit too wooden or sumit :/ i dunno...
anyone know the last peice of music in there?

oh, and i'd heard about this before, but had forgotten about it til i saw this trailer yesterday... and it's nothing less than stunning, i truly cannot wait for this film
Looks good, but they only thing they forgot to tell us in that trailer was the ending... hopefully there's more.
Looks great.

Love the idea, it's something somewhat fresh from the current crop of rehashes (I hope)
The song is by Sigur Rós, and its called Hopippolla (spelling?)
Its also the theme song for BBC's planet earth.
Thanks a lot, I'd heard of Sigur Ros before, but now I'm finally checking the music out, and it's fantastic!
Probably one of the few [recent] movies where I've actually liked the story, other than that it looks great anyway.
This movie is going to be cool. I know I am going to go see it!
Wow! That looks great and its got a terrific cast! This should be one of the few movies coming up that I will actually see in the theatre.
I included this in my upcoming films thread and no one even bats an eyelash :(.

But yes, this movie looks simply amazing.
this movie looks excellent. clive owen is a great actor.