Chimpanzee's master plan to make a monkey out of humans discovered!!!


May 5, 2004
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A male chimpanzee in a Swedish zoo planned hundreds of stone-throwing attacks on zoo visitors, according to researchers.

Further, the chimp learned to recognise how and when parts of his concrete enclosure could be pulled apart to fashion further projectiles.

Further, the chimp learned to recognise how and when parts of his concrete enclosure could be pulled apart to fashion further projectiles.

The findings are reported in the journal Current Biology.

I for one welcome our monkey overlords
I wonder how fast a monkey can throw a piece of concrete. They have super strength compared to the world's strongest man. Think for a monkey that could impart a super human throw?

Oh and at the article... if a squirrel can plan for future needs, stashing nuts, a chimp sure as hell can too. Though it can be argued squirrel activity is 100% instinct and not intelligent planning. Chimps are smart though, they have personalities and agendas.
Do they also have notebooks and timetables?
ooooh rock me Doctor Zaius

Doctor ZaiusDoctor Zaius, Doctor Zaius

You guys wanna play the charleton heston drinking game? Every time he overacts you take a shot.
That's Troy McClure but it looks so much like Hank Scorpio.
You guys wanna play the charleton heston drinking game? Every time he overacts you take a shot.

this also works for William Shatner, marlon brando and Retardo Montalban

you'd be dead drunk half way through the first scene
I'm not quite sure why they didn't just bring back Hank Scorpio for the movie. The characters are basically identical.