China: Gaming will make you blind


May 5, 2004
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the Guardian said:
according to the Shanghai Daily, Xiao Yu a young war game addict, suffered a detachted retina and subsequent blindness due to 'obsessive Internet playing'. "The sudden loss of his vision ended his computer gaming on the Internet," adds the reporter incontestably.

The article then makes the sort of leap in logic that even the most conservative western commentators usually draw short of:

"Those juniors "hooked" on the virtual world, especially violent games, tend to live according to the rules of the games. They fight to defeat other players in order to strengthen their own gaming position. They see the loss of lives as common as they gain new lives of their own when they kill each other."

they make jack thomspon look like a freakin boy scout

here's the actual story ...notice how it barely mentions the person who was blinded and instead spend the entire article fear-mongering about how deadly video games are

Crazy Propagandists said:
On the other side, some violent online games are demolishing basic moral standards of the teens and are taking them away from the real world.

Given the scope of the problem, Internet experts say national intervention is essential.

Parents and teachers should be fully aware of the danger of young people getting addicted to violent Internet games.

The authorities should set a violence scale for the games and ban net bars that admit youth under 18, some of whom actually live in the bars.

Let us hope the scene that happened in a Net bar should never repeated: A boy was staring at the computer screen while screaming "Kill him!"

:O ...they're collectively insane, no other explanation

scary: China Internet Network Information Center and China Youth Association of Internet (I wonder if there is a China Frontal Lobotomy Re-education Centre or China Brainwashing Association?)
a violence scale for the games and ban net bars that admit youth under 18

Done that.

But really,
The article then makes the sort of leap in logic that even the most conservative western commentators usually draw short of:

"Those juniors "hooked" on the virtual world, especially violent games, tend to live according to the rules of the games. They fight to defeat other players in order to strengthen their own gaming position. They see the loss of lives as common as they gain new lives of their own when they kill each other."

WTF, this guy's retina just fell off while looking at a monitor! It took a football accidently kicked directly into my eyeball to detach my retina. What the hell do they make people out of in China, spit and noodles?
I feel my retina detaching... what should I do?
Sell it on the black market, or tape it back in.
If that was true, my ass would be blind by now too.
The retina of this guys eye could have fallen out for a number of reasons. But the chinese instantly jump to the conclusion that it was a video games fault just because he plays video games.
China - what the hell?
"The sudden loss of his vision ended his computer gaming on the Internet," adds the reporter incontestably.

Am I the only one who finds this quote hilarious?
I'm a gamer and a male on the internet. I'm flirting with danger, BUT I HAVEN'T GONE BLIND YET!

Also, haha, I didn't catch that, Siacker. That is funny.
BVkubd> Byklltshit. I fame all the timem and U;ve gait nt eyes ckiesed nad bd ttyouibgm ad\nd all that.
BVkubd> Byklltshit. I fame all the timem and U;ve gait nt eyes ckiesed nad bd ttyouibgm ad\nd all that.
Until I noticed your subtly witty humour, I just thought you were totally hammered.
In June this year, Xiao Song, a sophomore of Beijing University, cut his wrist with broken glass on the night he was sent to the hospital by his father for IAD treatment.
