China overtakes US in greenhouse gas emissions


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Why hello thar global warming :rolleyes:

I knew this was coming, I just didn't realize it was going to be this soon. It figures, since China isn't bound to keep to any emission standards by the Kyoto Protocol.

Now where's Al Gore when you need him? :monkee:
hmmm china has 4 times the population of the US, has nowhere near the infrastructure in place to cut emissions and it's taken this long to beat the americans in output? ...either you're reading this worng and it's nothing to be proud of or China is doing an excellent job seeing as how they have ...4 times the population of the US

that's like Hitler pointing at Stalin and saying ....."well he killed 50 million people ..I've only killed .."
Heh, i saw this and instantly thought of the way the US said it wont lower its emissions because China was catching up and was going to overtake..didnt they realise they just admited they have the highest emissions? Yeesh some people...

But this was inevitable. I think its time to trim the herd...canabalism anyone?
Canabalism! Then youd be on first name terms with half the stuff in your fridge...
I want all Americans to drive needlessly everywhere, crank up those air conditioners, increase factory output, stop recycling, and burn up our forests. We cannot let China beat us! USA! USA!
I want all Americans to drive needlessly everywhere, crank up those air conditioners, increase factory output, stop recycling, and burn up our forests. We cannot let China beat us! USA! USA!

Spray your [CFC emitting] aerosol cans in the air like you just don't care.
We still own their hotdog eating record... that's right, I went there!

A large chunk of those emissions are being made to provide goods to America (also by American companies).

I wonder what the score would be if that was taken into consideration?

Anyway, I think you need to up emissions in America, you can't let China beat you, what are you, Neville Chamberlain?
With food like that? Who knows what deadly gases be released into the atmosphere.