China reprimands head of Food Safety by executing him


May 5, 2004
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complaining about shitty working conditions? well at least you're not this guy ..poor wages? dont complain at least you're not this guy:

The former head of China's State Food and Drug Administration, Zheng Xiaoyu, has been executed for corruption, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.

oh those crazy chinese, they make texans look like freakin humanitarians
Considering his actions led directly to the deaths of more than a few people, all for his own personal gain, I have approximately zero sympathy for him.
Only in Ame..China.
complaining about shitty working conditions? well at least you're not this guy ..poor wages? dont complain at least you're not this guy
How can you feel sorry for a bureaucrat who took bribes and let people die?
I guess you could say he bit off more than he could chew HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
While he is an astronomical douche for what he has done, the punishment is as chinese as it gets, insanely harsh. Just put him away for a few years and then force him to be a fisherman for the rest of his life.
Or just force him to wear a really funny hat
How can you feel sorry for a bureaucrat who took bribes and let people die?

did he know those people would die? does he deserve death? what does that do except satisfy the living? it doesnt bring justice to the dead because there is no suffering, except of course the split second when a firing squad opens fire

the sentence was particuarily harsh, even for china (the verdict was swift) ..critics see this as a message to the rest of the world that China has control over it's recent poisoned food scare ...he died so as to not lose investors ...that seems really fair, his death so that people wont lose money ...who's the morally bankrupt one now?
I suppose they better start headhunting for the new Food Safety Officer
You guys really think that what has been released by a state owned news agency is the absolute truth? I guess you are the same ones that continue to believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that he was responsible for 9/11.

Its pretty clear that this guy was made a scape goat in all of this and the only reason they killed him was to say, "hey world, its cool, you can continue to buy more cheap shit from us".

Yeah, this whole thing is hillarious. :rolleyes:

I think is kind of harsh too,just lock him inside a cage whit a 20cmx20cm window

though I see he is renponsible for that cases of toxic toohtpaste so is good the goverment take action
They should have just eaten him ... a more ironic punishment. Tasty too. Sweet and sour fatcat.
/b/ posted a close up of the blown open head. Quite gruesome.
It's sorta sickening that you guys are making jokes about a man loosing his life.
Does this mean I can start making jokes about 9/11? I mean it's the same basic thing, person(s) dying.
Maybe if you guys had one of your relatives murdered/killed you wouldn't be mocking the death of a living being so much..
It's sorta sickening that you guys are making jokes about a man loosing his life.
Does this mean I can start making jokes about 9/11? I mean it's the same basic thing, person(s) dying.
Maybe if you guys had one of your relatives murdered/killed you wouldn't be mocking the death of a living being so much..

You don't see the humor in an oppressive government killing a person to make him a scapegoat. What is wrong with you? :rolleyes:

I don't know what the **** is wrong with most of the people in here, pretty depressing.
did he know those people would die? does he deserve death? what does that do except satisfy the living? it doesnt bring justice to the dead because there is no suffering, except of course the split second when a firing squad opens fire

the sentence was particuarily harsh, even for china (the verdict was swift) ..critics see this as a message to the rest of the world that China has control over it's recent poisoned food scare ...he died so as to not lose investors ...that seems really fair, his death so that people wont lose money ...who's the morally bankrupt one now?

But surely you can see the example it leaves. Do you think the next person in his former position will take bribes? I doubt it...
It's sorta sickening that you guys are making jokes about a man loosing his life.
Does this mean I can start making jokes about 9/11? I mean it's the same basic thing, person(s) dying.
Maybe if you guys had one of your relatives murdered/killed you wouldn't be mocking the death of a living being so much..

Hey now, don't lose your head...
The population of China is way too big anyway....
Considering his corruption and incompetence lead by his own personal greed costing the lives of many innocent people I find it difficult to conjure up false sympathy that is often spat out at random when cases like these emerge, in order to boost my post count and make it seem as if I cry tears of empathy before I go to sleep at night, like any 'normal, decent' person does... :rolleyes:

Jokes are made out of everything. It's nothing new, get over yourselves.
Pulse, if any of your parents ever die be sure to give me a call and I'll cook up some nice jokes about it.
Q: What did Pulse's mom say to Pulse's dad?

A: Nothing, dead people can't talk.
Considering his corruption and incompetence lead by his own personal greed costing the lives of many innocent people I find it difficult to conjure up false sympathy that is often spat out at random when cases like these emerge, in order to boost my post count and make it seem as if I cry tears of empathy before I go to sleep at night, like any 'normal, decent' person does... :rolleyes:

Jokes are made out of everything. It's nothing new, get over yourselves.

And you are getting these facts from where, the state owned Chinese news service?