Chipset drivers?


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well the main reason i want to update my drivers is because of Supreme Commander. Iv already updated my Video Drivers and i still get the blue screen. Anyway my question is, should i uninstall the chipset drivers then install the knew ones and do you recommend updating the bios as well.

If i need to update the bios how would i go about doing that.

Thank you.
what does the blue screen say?? If you can get into safe mode, try doing some research on what the blue screen says.
It flashes to fast. Cant see the # its to fast. How do i make it so it doesnt auto restart again?


What about the bios/chipset update?
Google your video card + "Supreme Commander" + BSOD
Your bios shouldn't cause the blue screen while in windows. I'd leave it alone. It just deals with settings/hardware while starting up etc. Either go to the brand of the motherboard's website or the chipset's site and grab drivers for your model.
Rgr. How should i install them tho.

So just download the chipset drivers?

Should i install them or uninstall the old ones 1st. How do i go about uninstalling the old ones.