Choose the (possible) second community project

What kind of 2nd community would you like?

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The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Choose the second community project

So, Sourceworld is now moving along quite nicely, with a talented team. But there are still many talented guys n girls out there. And the community projects section is looking a bit empty. So. This thread is to find out info on a possible second community project. Different team, different leader, Different type of game.

So, vote in the poll and post your idea's and suggestions and we'll see what happens.

Just to add, this will only happen if you guys come up with a REALLY good idea that is enough to impress the admins and staff.
I'd be more interested in seeing ideas/concepts rather than genres.. i think that is more important
maybe you can put various game subjects instead?.. I dunno.
Kon said:
I'd be more interested in seeing ideas/concepts rather than genres.. i think that is more important
maybe you can put various game subjects instead?.. I dunno.
hence "other" and "and post your idea's and suggestions"

aswell as "Different team, different leader, Different type of game"

My post and poll was just to get you started. Thats as far as my involvement goes :p The 2nd one would be good for those people who missed out on Sourceworld, or wanted something different.
anyone ever heard of D-01 or Atlantis ? :D

If I actually try to finish the design docs will you guys consider it?
I would like to see a nice looking shoot-em up (vertical). I like classic, simple game play.

There could be a number of zones/levels, with different visual styles to accomidate different tastes. You can choose your ship or make your own. You pick your weapon confg - each with an upgrade path.

Zones can be added to extend the life of the mod.

Co-op multiplayer of course - which would be the real challenge to program (syncing the AI)


The other idea I like is a simple single player mod where you are a single player trapped in an environment trying to survive as long as possible - think the final scenes on Leon or that cool bunker level in the original AlienVsPred game. It could be realistic or fantasy setting. Wave and wave of opponents - you are going to die, but how long will your defenses last & how many c&*ts can you take out!

There could be a online league table as well.

The major thing about this mod would be a tense atmosphere and the need for really strong AI.
Sorry if this makes me seem... thick, but is this limited to modifications to Source, or is it anything?
My design document is nearly completion. I have been working on it for about 3/4 weeks. I will post it and see what people think. But I can't really see me wanting to make it part of the community.
Sprafa said:
Meh, no one cares about what I say...
Take charge then, don't look at me for doing that, Get people to listen, gotta grab people's attention.
The Dark Elf said:
Take charge then, don't look at me for doing that, Get people to listen, gotta grab people's attention.

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

Will you consider D-01 or Atlantis if I and the concept docs?

[SARCASM]grabbed your attention? [/SARCASM]
Sprafa said:
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

Will you consider D-01 or Atlantis if I and the concept docs?

[SARCASM]grabbed your attention? [/SARCASM]
Your gonna need to tell them more than that. D-01.. what is that. Just a letter a dash and a couple of numbers

Atlantis.. Atlantis what, stargate Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis. Escape from Atlantis.

See what I mean? You need to get people's attention with more info, something to catch their eyes and make them think.
The Dark Elf said:
Your gonna need to tell them more than that. D-01.. what is that. Just a letter a dash and a couple of numbers

Atlantis.. Atlantis what, stargate Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis. Escape from Atlantis.

See what I mean? You need to get people's attention with more info, something to catch their eyes and make them think.

I suppose you're right. But you could've asked earlier


just d/l it and make it a .doc, it'll work fine. (apparently my thread here about it was deleted or never done in the 1st place)

In both cases everything I've done is some basic stuff because I basicallly lost motivation when I realized that 99% of the world populace would refuse to try anything like them.

btw, Stargate Atlantis?!?!? WTF?
I want to see a traditional FPS (similar to the ways of Quake and Halo). To many modern mods/games are forgetting what made those games so fun - fast, simple, fun, addictive gameplay.
Halo is a little more than just a traditional FPS, but I agree a Halo-style SP FPS would be great. like....hmm... Atlantis :D
I did ask earlier :p

Anyway interesting idea, your image doesn't work though :(
The Dark Elf said:
I did ask earlier :p

Anyway interesting idea, your image doesn't work though :(

EDIT : I now understand what you meant... one sec.

I'll upload it as a .txt - why don't you allow .doc's, this would've been easier...
Sprafa said:
EDIT : I now understand what you meant... one sec.

I'll upload it as a .txt - why don't you allow .doc's, this would've been easier...
Meh I'm not messing about with it then, sounds suspicious to me. Sorry

Edit: you edited after I posted.. anyway messing with linked jpeg's that need to be changed to docs and all that, thats what I meant by suspicious.

Dunno why we dont allow docs, same reason the place your using to put that whateverfile renamed as a jpeg I suppose :p
It's ok, not my kind of mod but then this one wouldn't involve me whatsoever. You need to convince the community.

You could ask one of the artist guys on the site to help you visualise some of it, to better get the idea across

Don't go making a site first though :p
yellow monkey is a classic example of how SW should be advertised a lot more. Many people don't even hear about it.
I think an adventure beat-em-up/shoot-em-up would be awesome. Something like Indiana Jones.
The Dark Elf said:
It's ok, not my kind of mod but then this one wouldn't involve me whatsoever. You need to convince the community.


Do you remember the last time the community project was left to discussion?
Sprafa said:

Do you remember the last time the community project was left to discussion?
Find someone who can lead it then :)

(not me thx) :D
The Dark Elf said:
Find someone who can lead it then :)

(not me thx) :D

I'm not talking about someone that can lead, just a jury to find the best idea. Like "the Staff"... :afro:
Sprafa said:
Halo is a little more than just a traditional FPS, but I agree a Halo-style SP FPS would be great. like....hmm... Atlantis :D

It's got the basic premise. I think it could work really well if we took the time to bang out (and change some of the) story details. I'd be interested in seeing made into a community mod.
blahblahblah said:
It's got the basic premise. I think it could work really well if we took the time to bang out (and change some of the) story details. I'd be interested in seeing made into a community mod.
There you go sprafa, someone interested already :):)

Good luck guys!
Well, The Dark Elf already did.. but whatever.

Here is the link to the Sourceworld mod. It is the last forum here, by the way. And I think that is all they have in the means of a website. :)

By the way, I was wondering (but no one answered) if this was limited to a Source mod...? Because I was thinking on the lines of a Flash animation, or like a comic or another kind of watching-thingy or something :). I know that it wouldn't neccesarily require a team, but eh, what the hell. And of course it would have to do with :D
Erestheux said:
I was thinking on the lines of a Flash animation, or like a comic or another kind of watching-thingy or something :). I know that it wouldn't neccesarily require a team, but eh, what the hell. And of course it would have to do with :D
Wouldn't that just be the same stuff people already put in the "Art and Design" forum?
blahblahblah said:
It's got the basic premise. I think it could work really well if we took the time to bang out (and change some of the) story details. I'd be interested in seeing made into a community mod.

Hey, I'm open to suggestions. Can you be more specific?
OCybrManO said:
Wouldn't that just be the same stuff people already put in the "Art and Design" forum?
Well, yeah. But. Shut up. ;(

:p Anyway, that was only a suggestion, I was just wondering if it was being limited to mods only! I'm sure someone else can think of another project.
Sprafa said:
Hey, I'm open to suggestions. Can you be more specific?

I'm interested, but I have been really busy the past two weeks. I can give you some suggestions in the next week or so if everything starts to settle down in my life. I'll either post my suggestions in a thread or PM you.
Erestheux said:
And I think that is all they have in the means of a website. :)

It's not needed at the moment :)