Choosing a good Linux

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I was just wondering what you guys think the best Linux version is, in regards to:

- looking and feeling great to use
- being reasonably compatible with Windows apps (I won't use games or graphics apps though)
- ability to change skins (optional, but a plus).

I've only used Linspire, briefly, and it seemed decent, and I assume Gentoo is good as well, but I have no idea how anything in the Linux world adds up. All I'm looking for is a refreshing break from XP, because I compute a LOT, and need to change my routine once in a while.

I did a bit of googling, and a forum search, but the results weren't too helpful, so I decided to ask here.
What it sounds like you're mainly looking for is a good desktop enviroment. The popular ones include Gnome, KDE, and XFCE. Ubuntu comes packaged with Gnome which is a pretty cool de. Gentoo is cool but I also recommend you try out FreeBSD which is a BSD Unix derviative. Still very cool though.
- most of the popular distros are either gnome or kde, or you can choose.

i'd say gnome over kde, especially for those new to linux.

- you can install wine on any basically any distro, though some may be easier than others, or have beter [community] support.

- umm, can't remember the skin sites off hand (keep on thinking of and whatever) but skins aren't really distro dependant, just depends on which de (like kde, gnome, xfce, fluxbox or whatever) you choose.