Christian Music


Aug 10, 2004
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I really like the sound of Christian contemporary music.
If you attend church you've prolly heard songs like:
-Salvation Spring Up From the Ground
-Let the River Flow
-Holy Moment
Etc. etc. etc.

I was wondering if anyone knows of bands that have the same sort of sound as like Third Day or Sonic Flood (They sing most of those songs quite well) but isn't Christian.

Christian lyrics are crap or i'd just keep listening to these people.
Gospel= Good
Creed= Offensively bad. If I was God I'd be really pissed off.
Led Zeppelin is good christian music, Stairway to Heaven and such : o
Christian Music? The very concept would offend me, if I thought of myself as a christian!

I don't know, I just can't take rock music praising God seriously, I mean rock music and metal is about Satan!
mortiz said:
Christian Music? The very concept would offend me, if I thought of myself as a christian!

I don't know, I just can't take rock music praising God seriously, I mean rock music and metal is about Satan!
Actually, most of the songs praise Jesus, and according to the Bible, Jesus and Satan are the same person. So it all works out.

Thanks SubKamran, Alter Bridge is pretty good.
Hazar said:
uhh.... no.
Lol, i was half joking. However, that is a common belief. (And why satanic ppl use the Bible)

If you read Revelation 22:16 Jesus calls himself "The bright and morning star" and the word "Lucifer" literally means morning star.

Also if you red first Chronicles 21:1 and second Samuel 24:1 you'll notice a disturbing similarity...

You can use to read the verses if you want
(I use this cuz its easier than finding stuff in my Bible)
Ikerous said:
Lol, i was half joking. However, that is a common belief. (And why satanic ppl use the Bible)

If you read Revelation 22:16 Jesus calls himself "The bright and morning star" and the word "Lucifer" literally means morning star.

Also if you red first Chronicles 21:1 and second Samuel 24:1 you'll notice a disturbing similarity...

You can use to read the verses if you want
(I use this cuz its easier than finding stuff in my Bible)]

naw lucifer was a praise leader in heavan who rebelled and got sent down to hell and became lucifer/satan and jesus is god in flesh who came down on earth..they can not be the same
Not a christian, been baptised and confirmed but chose not to follow the faith. The music has to be one of the reasons i left... gaaah! English white proterstant hymns are the reason we haven't seen jesus back yet. He's sat in heaven with ear plugs...

The only good christian music has to be black-american gospel from the first half of the 20th century. They at least had passion. None of this "oooohgodinheavenmosthighdronedronedronedronedronedronedronedrone" crap...
btw... anyone ever noticed that Luicifer was a "rank" not a name...
I don't know if Ash is christian (seems like it), but they rock.
Dalamari i seriously hope you were joking ;)

the only 2 christian rock bands i know are Blindside (i know blindside by name, have and will never hear any of their music) and P.O.D
david crowder's band is christian, sorta like sonic flood.. or at least they played together..
uhh nu metal bands such as pillar, and thousand foot crutch?
*Listens to Christian Rock, rips page out of Bible and wipes ass*
yadalogo said:
*Listens to Christian Rock, rips page out of Bible
and wipes ass*
And if i hear creed i construct a monument to satan, cause if THAT doesnt make you believe in the existence of a supreme evil nothing will
switchfoot is OK, but I have to pretend they aren't singing about christian stuff