Christmas Gaming Items!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I know it's a little bit early for this (not really THAT early, but meh..), but meh..

Just post what you want for Christmas that you think you might/will get that is related to gaming (Games, Consoles, more RAM, etc.)

Post Away!

EDIT: oops, forgot to post mine: 360 or 20gb PS3 bundle with atleast 1 game.. My mom can't lie very well ;)
A whole brand new spankin' computer system, and something awesome to play on it.
A 360 with two games (probably BF2 and Gears of War) and a new 12 months live subscription.
Hopefully a 720p or 1080p HDTV. I don't want a huge one, since it's pretty much exclusively for the 360.
An up-to-date computer that can play BF2+
That reminds me I should try BF2 on this new compy, might be bearable :D

Um... Nothing much I want for xmas, none of my wishlist games are released yet. A new monitor perhaps, mine is from 2001 I believe, guessing 19 inch crt. It's a good monitor and has had no problems at all, but its getting on in years and the off-white clashes terribly with my black keyboards, mice, and cases.

I read this thread title as Christian Gaming Items and was in fact scared for my mind upon opening it. I imagined mice with the virgin Mary inscribed on the top... ahHHH
I'd go for a new computer or an HDTV.
I'll get socks... Lot's of them.

But I'm going to buy a christmas present for myself. Xbox 360 or Wii. The local store here promised that when Wii is released I can leash it and the 360 for a couple of days and for free.
Probably a Wii game. I can't think of much else that I want. Not unless Supreme Commander gets pushed foward to this year.
Medieval total war probably.

You bunch of rich sods getting HDTV's and XBOX360's, i'm sickened. Sickened with jealousy!
A Wii or 360 would be sweet, but I'm not really wishing for one. Other than that, nothing in the gaming/electronics department.

Clothes, Books, and moneys are all I usually want for christmas these days :E
Nothing probably, not that entertained by gaming these days oddly enough for me. Although I might save the money I get to buy a 8800 later on when Crysis is out, just got a new comp anyway :)
Hm... probably either the DS or PSP, WiFi LAN play just rocks faces, period.

Although to be honest, it's not that high on the priority list, I'd rather go for new iPod / Clothes / Shoes / etc.
most likey I will be getting the exact same thing for my B-day

Ah, well my birthday is near to Christmas, so it'll be a sort of combinded present but thats all I'll probably get, which is fine by me as they are expensive items and I don't like having alot spent on me all at one point.
Alrighty, instead of the Wii... I've decided to focus on finally upgrading my machine in the card and memory department.

A Geforce 7600 GT XXX with a 1gb stick of memory, I figure it should keep me occupied for next couple of years... as there's so many games I have that don't run very well on my current piece of shit rig. x.x
Computer. Not sure how powerful I wanna go with it though...
Well, the bought of the HDTV was probably my Christmas gift!
A few games and possibly a projector. And socks, can never have enough socks.
I wish I could get an HDTV, but that's way out of my Xmas price-range.

There's a $200 22" widescreen monitor (with HD hookups) at Best Buy the day after Thanksgiving I might ask for...but I already have a 19" LCD comp monitor. I don't know if I really need another one :P

Other than that, Wii controllers maybe.
I'm also probably going to go and buy games, like I'll be certainly buying Zelda: TP, then getting either Dead Rising or GOW, most likely GOW though.
Damn... ill be using my christmas money to pay off my christmas bills. =(... maybe ill have alittle left over to buy myself a 2GB ram bundle....
A more serious wish:
Psychonauts and The Ship are the two games I want atm, so I might as well ask them for christmas. Not that it would matter, because we don't really celebrate christmas here in my family.