Chrome Beta for OSX


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score

Google released chrome for OSX now, feels pretty similar to the windows version, which is good.

Did some testing from HERE using OSX 10.6.1 chrome got a score of 4314 and FF 3.5.7 got 2044.

Windows 7 on the same machine seems to yield better results though, chrome 4 scored 5076 and FF 3.5.7 got 2547.
Yeah, Windows 7 has some improvements when it comes to uploading and downloading, but also multicore processors and major improvements for multi-GPU, if you've got it.

I would use Chrome, but I like my FF extensions.
Yeah, Windows 7 has some improvements when it comes to uploading and downloading, but also multicore processors and major improvements for multi-GPU, if you've got it.

Doubt it actually has anything to do with the OS, would be rather sad if it did. It probably has more to do with the maturity of the browser on OSX.
yea I was looking at some benchmarks for 10.6 32bit and 64bit running safari 32 bit and 64 bit, the OS-bit made a 1ms difference and the browser-bit made about a 200ms difference in javascript using the sunspider test.

Although I checked safari 4 on win7 and it got a 4249 and on OSX it got 4638. So it would appear that the browsers maturity on an OS is relevant.