Chronicles of Jordan Freeman


Mar 7, 2005
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This is a parody of HL2. Heres the prolouge.

This was not a good time to pull out a cig and smoke. This was no time to admire my hair in the reflections of acid. This was war. A seven hour war.
We had no luck but who cares. We had Jordan Freeman...

" I said i'm sorry ok?!" Jordan yelled violenly, " You screwed up the mission!"
Yelled Odessa. This argument was never going to end. "FINE!" "I QUIT!".
Jordan leaped up and gave Odessa the one finger salute and left.
" One day Im going to find my lost muted brother...Gordon". Jordan said to him self. Jordan started walking north towerds the citidal crossing dead bodies and such. Right before he hit the citidal he found a intresting object... A stunbaton... Jordan decided to amuse himself with the little weapon.
"OPERATION!" he yelled out loud. He got a dead body and flicked the baton on and started zapping the body hoping that the zap would make the body fling to life. He was tottaly wrong. He spent twelve minuites yelling "operation" and seeing if theres any pulse. Nope, none at all. Finnaly he got up and went to the citidal...

Feed Back?
lol, a very interesting read. Nice use of the Stun baton, however this simply couldn't go any further than what you just wrote :)
The idea of using a stunstick as a defibrillator made me smile a little :) But I'd agree that it might be difficult to expand on, although it is pretty short in the first place... chances are you've got a lot more ideas about!

In other news, I tried pronouncing the above poster's name as Goth-axe on my first read. I'm suitably ashamed.
lol, no problem. For all the people who don't understand my name , I should put my name as Got[space]hax? :P
OK, heres some more (it's pretty short) CHAPTER TWO: Is this the right citidal?

As Jordan skipped along the dead bodies to the citidal he realized somthing...he was not alone. He started sprinting to the citidal. Before he got there he thought " Isn't this the combine HQ?". Yes it was. He realized he went into the belly of the beast (well not exactly), he heard beeping and some gun shots.
He ran left into the alleys only finding...A toothpick shop. Citidal Toothpicks.
He was left with only one choice but to run in and hide. " Err hello anybody here?" he yelled. He looked on the ground, a deadbody. Toothpick accident.
As Jordan looked around he found an odd looking weapon. Labled, "The Toothpick Gun". Chapter 3 on it's way!
What the hell?
(My name is supposed to be 'TheUltimateHeadCrab' It just wiped of the 'rab' when I registered.)