Chronicles of Riddick review (on IGN)

Awesome! I'm gonna pick this one up right after I see The Chronicles of Riddick in the theatre.
XBN gave it a 9/10, its very good read, and an excelent magazine.
Am I the only one who thinks the movie looks like...too much?

What I liked about the character Riddick in Pitch Black was that you knew nothing about him. I think they are going to overkill his character in the movie and ruin everything.
If I owned an X-box then I'd buy the game.
chu said:
Am I the only one who thinks the movie looks like...too much?

What I liked about the character Riddick in Pitch Black was that you knew nothing about him. I think they are going to overkill his character in the movie and ruin everything.
Although I hope your wrong, but I must agree with you. And the plot seems to be very different from the desert planet survival of Pitch Black.
eurgh, I've said it once, and I'll say it again, buying into the Xbox is like buying into fascism.
mortiz said:
eurgh, I've said it once, and I'll say it again, buying into the Xbox is like buying into fascism.
Investing your money into an Xbox is probably the wisest move you could make in your life (next to buying Half-Life 2 and a new PC). You won't regret it. It's now only $149!
mortiz said:
eurgh, I've said it once, and I'll say it again, buying into the Xbox is like buying into fascism.
Think again, I have an xbox and pc. All the quality games are coming on them, also for just 149 dollars you get the mean machine.

Edit: user name beat me to it...
GameCube is the leet consol it has the greatest games and the greatest gamepad.

And you can't prove me wrong... suckers! ;) :D
The game certainly looks cool although that was possibly one of the most poorly written reviews I've ever read.
DarkStar said:
The game certainly looks cool although that was possibly one of the most poorly written reviews I've ever read.
IGN, they hype a thing for eternity then drop it down on the floor...unless if it's something on gamecube which they HAVE to rate a high score...seriously, xbox games are much better than GC games untill now,however Resident Evil 4 seems really stunning and could change my opinion - let's see the final outcome though.
not to hi-jack this thread.. but i feel like im at a X-box users United festival :burp: :x

i own a PS2 and truthfully, haven't touched it or any other console for 2 years now.. and before that hadn't touched a console for 5 years.

i dunno why.. console gaming just isn't the same as it used to be back in the NES/Atari days.. :|
Nope, i'm never going to buy an Xbox, it would violate my moral code. Moral Code 26 : "Thou shalt not financialy assist Microsoft in their evil domination of the world".

Also I believe the XBox to be a mind control device that converts people (public and businesses) into only using Microsoft software.
Oh dear....

OMG MS SO LAMEZOR they suck!!!zor posts are so freaking lame.

Yeh im mebbe getting an xbox but ive just been offered a laptop at a verrrry nice price.
mortiz said:
Moral Code 26 : "Thou shalt not financialy assist Microsoft in their evil domination of the world".
Microsoft created Windows. So, what are you, a Mac user?
He said 'not financially assist' - think of someone with a peg-leg, eye patch, parrot on the shoulder, cutlass and skull and crossbones on their hat
Sorry to resurrect an old post but GameSpot just reviewed it. Read up on it here.

I can't believe how many great reviews it's getting.
Gamespot said:
If you don't already have an Xbox, it's worth buying one to play this game. And if you already do have one and you're mature enough to handle the game's subject matter, then you'd be a fool not to play The Chronicles of Riddick.

Where did this come from? I hadn't even heard of this game before the Gamespot review, but they're touting it like the second coming of fps games.
ZoomaCLW said:
...but they're touting it like the second coming of fps games.
It actually kinda is.

Hell, Half-Life 2 might even have some tough competition.
I played the xbox demo, which I didn't think was too amazing. The control response is a bit slow and the fps is choppy at times. The hand-to-hand combat system can get annoying sometimes, but it's not as bad as breakdown's. I just don't have any interest in this game. The demo I got with the magazine also came with Psy Ops and Metal Slug 3, both of which I feel are better than Riddick.
For some reasone I just love underdog-type games that seem to come out of nowhere. Half-Life was kinda like that for me, the first I'd heard of it was glowing reviews in magazines, sorta like this Riddick game.
Sedako said:
I played the xbox demo, which I didn't think was too amazing. The control response is a bit slow and the fps is choppy at times. The hand-to-hand combat system can get annoying sometimes, but it's not as bad as breakdown's. I just don't have any interest in this game. The demo I got with the magazine also came with Psy Ops and Metal Slug 3, both of which I feel are better than Riddick.
That's just an unfinished product of the game, not to mention only one level of the entire game. If you want to know what the game is really like, rent it...or better yet, buy it.
User Name said:
That's just an unfinished product of the game, not to mention only one level of the entire game. If you want to know what the game is really like, rent it...or better yet, buy it.

No thanks, i'll save my money for a game that is actually appealing. It wouldn't be that hard to rent it though, seeying that I work part-time at a video store. Free rentals own you.'s rare that Gamespot gives out that high of a review. I'm buying this tommorow fo' sho'. Actually, I can't believe this came out of nowhere like this! It's like Christmas or something! I'm so psyched of all of a sudden! I can't wait till tommorow.
DarkStar said:'s rare that Gamespot gives out that high of a review. I'm buying this tommorow fo' sho'. Actually, I can't believe this came out of nowhere like this! It's like Christmas or something! I'm so psyched of all of a sudden! I can't wait till tommorow.
I flipped over my chair when gamespot gave it 9.3 , heh. They even said it's the best xbox game to date. Well, that proves they aren't any longer intrested in halo2, hl2, doom 3...seems like bad marketing will make the hyped games the biggest dissapointment of the year.
so many games... so little time and money :|
with all the great titles coming out within the next 3-9 months.. i'll probably miss this one :(
What's the big deal? I'm looking at their most popular reviews list: Far Cry got 9.2, Ninja Gaiden has 9.4, Vice City has 9.6.... Honestly I think we really need a game to push the bar way up again.
I can bet you a billion bucks they won't give HL2 any higher than 9.4 (maximum) and I'm guessing it'll be lower otherwise...gamespot is a sucker for shiny/plastic graphics, they gave far cry and riddick 10 in graphics! you can imagine what they'll give one of the E32004 previews they were pretty unimpressed with the character models as they believed they are now "dated" (after only one year). Hopefully hl2's gameplay time (the according-to-valve 36 hours) and AI can beat those high scores.
lans said:
I can bet you a billion bucks they won't give HL2 any higher than 9.4 (maximum) and I'm guessing it'll be lower otherwise...gamespot is a sucker for shiny/plastic graphics, they gave far cry and riddick 10 in graphics! you can imagine what they'll give one of the E32004 previews they were pretty unimpressed with the character models as they believed they are now "dated" (after only one year). Hopefully hl2's gameplay time (the according-to-valve 36 hours) and AI can beat those high scores.

Well, I trust Gamespot's reviews more than just about any other source. They're definitely more reliable than IGN. And I highly doubt that Gamespot gives out good scores based on if a game has "shiny/plastic" graphics. I don't think Riddick even has "shiny/plastic" graphics actually.
DarkStar said:
Well, I trust Gamespot's reviews more than just about any other source. They're definitely more reliable than IGN. And I highly doubt that Gamespot gives out good scores based on if a game has "shiny/plastic" graphics. I don't think Riddick even has "shiny/plastic" graphics actually.
It does, check the screens.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't buy a game untill I see gamespot's review...they rate very tough and are mostly unbiased. However since the past 6 months I'm a little dissapointed in their service - esp. the fact that people are openly discussing the half-life 2 beta in their forums and their mods don't do anything to stop it.Also, the thing I liked about them is that they rate fairly, that's why I bought far cry instantly...but I was unimpressed by far cry's overall presentation, the story and AI mainly, which they said was very good. So I have a reason to believe they got overcomed by it's shiny graphics.