Church Billboards!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Post your best Church billboard!


only ones you find, none on the net already, I'm sure we've already seen em all ;) This gave my un-god lovingness soul a good laugh
I forgot which website, but there's one that says: 'Now opens Sundays!'

Don't know why it's funny, it just is.
Is that their solution to unwanted pregnancies? :O

I like the one that says "The most powerful position is on your knees." Even if you're an atheist you can believe that billboard. ;)

EDIT: I was trying to resist the urge to correct them... but I can't. The correct spelling in that context is "you're."
xLostx said:
anal sex?
oh, now you've ruined it... just have to drag this thread down dont you? :P

Church billboards suck, especially the ones saying crap like, "Jesus will save YOU" etc... i dont want to see that, as much as i dont want to see cigarette advertisments, or t.ubgirl billboards.
i saw a good one recently:

Jesus: The best superhero ever!

it was so lame it was funny.
Mine was not Photochopped, it's real. I saw that driving down the road, busted up LAUGHING.

Another time I was driving and the same board said "Jesus loves children" Now I went home, grabbed the camera, went back, and they already changed it to something else. I was pissed. *sigh*

Saw the one with "The most powerful position is on your knees' I laughed at it :P
I once saw one after david beckham had lost the world cup for England. It said "God forgives everyone,even David Beckam".