Cingular 2125 Opinions?


May 27, 2003
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Hey guys, I'm getting a new cell phone contract and so on Monday I'm going into the Cingular store to pick out a new phone...

I'm really interested in these new smartphones. The one that I'm looking at right now is the Cingular 2125 (review: ).

First of all, does anyone have this phone? If you do, PM me :)

Second, I have yet to go into the Cingular store to look at this thing in real life and ask these questions, but I figured someone around here would know...

One question I have is with WiFi... Now, the 2125 doesn't have it, but does it really matter? For example, If I used the WiFi I have set up at my house, could I avoid the 20 bucks Cingular will make me pay for data transfer, since I would be using my own modem and such? Obviously I would have to go to a different phone, but I'm wondering if I'm thinking about this right.

I wish I could get the Motorola Q, but sadly it's only for Verizon right now (come to Cingular by Monday please! :( )...

If anyone has any other suggestions on phones to get for Cingular, please let me know (as cool as the RAZR and SLVR are, I want to do something different). I'm shying away from the 8125 mainly because of the price tag.

Thanks guys :)
Well, I have the SDA for T-Mobile, which is the exact same phone but WITH the Wifi. I like. Works great and everything and a ton of features.
Does anyone else have any opinions of this?

I'm going to be getting my plan Monday, so I want to make sure that I get the best phone possible.

I'll probably have to put in a little extra time at work to pay it off, but hopefully it will be worth it.
I'd steer clear of anything with microsoft software on it. I've got an "O2 XDA Mini S" and although it has wifi and all the rest, it is actually a slow ass piece of crap. The features are poorly thought out, the software is buggy as hell (typical) and the whole thing is a brick. Women have actually been known to ask me if it's an XDA in my pocket or if i'm just happy to see them.

Since windows mobile stays just as buggy across devices, i'd say stay the hell away from it. I'm going back to my sony ericsson k750i
I have a silver Razr. And I hate it. Getting rid of Nextel was the worst mistake I have ever made :(
Yea I've heard from lots of people that the RAZR breaks down frequently (someone I know is on their 4th razr... Come on now!)

I'm still leaning towards the 2125... I'm going to get the phone for $150, 2yr service agreement and this includes unlimited data/internet already! Awesome!

I'll also be able to utilize Live Anywhere when it's released, which is nice.