Cingular drives me bonkers


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I'm sitting at home, and I'll get a call. I pick it up, and the call drops. I go to call them back.."Call failed". Call them back in a different part of my house.."call failed". I go OUTSIDE and try all around, "Call failed". For having the service with the fewest dropped calls, me and a bunch of friends have alot of dropped calls.....

I just wanted to vent that out. I've tried other phones than mine, so I know it's the service..just sucks I'm paying GOOD money for this.
Sure it's not the phone? I used to have a phone that had a bit of a conflict with my service provider, it used to drop calls randomly ... where as the same sim in other phones worked fine. Other service providers' sims in that phone worked fine too.

Here's a snippet from a phone review (guess what my service provider is) ...

We originally awarded the E800 4 stars, but following persistent reports by users of a variety of problems (read the user reviews below), we have downgraded it to 1 star. There are a number of problems with the E800 - first there seem to be real problems on the O2 network (and possibly with other networks, but to a lesser extent) with the E800 dropping calls, shutting down in the middle of calls and refusing to send or receive text messages. If you are going to buy the E800 we would really recommend that you don't buy it on O2, especially as O2 seem to be unwilling to acknowledge that there is any kind of problem with the phone on their network.
I'm sitting at home, and I'll get a call. I pick it up, and the call drops. I go to call them back.."Call failed". Call them back in a different part of my house.."call failed". I go OUTSIDE and try all around, "Call failed". For having the service with the fewest dropped calls, me and a bunch of friends have alot of dropped calls.....

I just wanted to vent that out. I've tried other phones than mine, so I know it's the service..just sucks I'm paying GOOD money for this.
What do you expect when you're living in no mans land Pitz? Nobody is near you! Not even the satelites range is near you! :P Cingular is a really good phone plan btw.
Haha, I'm 5 minutes out of down while driving 35-45 mph. I'm maybe a mile out haha. But yeah, I've tried multiple phones and it's the same problem.... Why would they sell a phone that had a conflict with the cingular sim?
I can't stand Cingular. I was with them for almost 10 years and my bill was always the same then suddenly I was going over my minutes by $200 a month. My call list was just showing I was calling people constantly 1 minutes at a time. Like I am going "Hello? hey Bob!" click "Hey Bob I am getting in my car!" click "Bob I am starting the engine now!" click

I didn't agree with the charges but they said I had to pay.

Then to top it off Cingular said I hadn't paid my bill in 4 months. When I showed them my bank statements they called back a day later and accussed me of fraudulently paying someone elses Cingular bill! Um NO Cingular took my money and applied it to someone elses account and then accused me of doing it? LOL

When they did that I REALLY didn't trust my bill which suddenly jumped from $100 a month to $340.

I dropped them crack smokers., they sound like they have some special skills there.
LOL, try living in rural(ish) New Zealand for dropped EVERYTHING.

No, not soap.