Citadel, Nova-Prospekt (spoilers)


Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Could someone explain to me this part of the story:

I know that people are being taken from their homes in City17 and taken to the citadel or to nova-prospekt. Is this so that the Combine can harvest them and make them into those scary, thin half-metal, half-human things you see in the last level?

Did Breen hand over Earth so that the Combine could take us all over, literally, by harvesting the humans?

I'd appretiate some answers, thanks,

to put it simply.. they 'combine' the humans with their technology,, to increase their civilisations power, and knowledge, taking over planets, trying to selfishly rule the universe, instead of co-existing with other species.

eradicating what is 'unique' and natural, transforming species to be part of them.

in many ways they are like the borg. except they have a much larger variety of creatures and technologies.

Breen did it to save his own life.. so the answer to your question is yes.

the thin things, 'stalkers' are probably worker type combine personel.. they look horribly mutilated, but i guess they could of been humans at some point.. some humans become combine soldiers... the more the better for the combine, i suppose eventually they would of converted the whole planet.

the story is very deep,, its about fighting for individuality, and the right of natural progression, its about technology, which relates to our world,, it also relates to world problems, with greed.. and ruling power, supression... its actually a very strong message, its about fighting an evil regime becuase you believe in freedom, its about seeing past propaganda. Its the best sci fi story in a game, ever, full stop.
Yes, very well said.

It's a shame that me and people I know who've played the game have a very vague idea of what's going on. But you summed it up nicely.

Merry Christmas.
I'm not sure what I'm fighting for much of the time, except to stay alive. Most of the story I have picked up from discussion boards such as this.

I wonder what people who don't frequent forums make of this games plot?
who's breen anyway? is he that annoying guy that talk so much on TV and on large screens? is he a president of the world? or something like that?
Honestly? did christmas just npc_create npc_forumnoobs on us or what?

Breen is the old administrator from Black Mesa. He organized the surrender of earth to the combine after the 7 hours war, and took over administration of earth. :monkee: