City 13 Update



Remember the newly arrived at the trainstation in the very beginning of Half-Life 2 talking about City 13? This mod takes place there and we have some exciting new screenshots to help keep your tastebuds salivating.

[br]City 13 currently needs two more coders, so if you are looking for somewhere to break yourself in, shoot them an email.
Sam from City 13 also says, "Our game modes system is well underway, we will have something playable within the next two weeks, but the final product will not be released for a good 6 -7 months."
They have a brand new website at:
Looks good, im very excited about this mod. Can't wait until its finished :D
Is it me or do the pics have a broken link... they arent showing.

EDIT: Nevermind...
[devonshire accent] whys'aaat? [/devonshire accent]
omfg their site is pathetic.

Go on their main page, look at Top 10 Downloads... There is something that says Research Music (dev team only), and so I clicked it and BAM it's claiming I've done a scripting attack and now I"m permanently banned from their site...

To hell with them then :\

srry to sound harsh, but when a website permanently bans me for no reason, I think I have that right to be pissed at it.... :frown:
Iced Eagle, wahts your IP and ill sort it out immediatly
Yay :)

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Date Blocked: 2005-01-09 12:41:15
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That's all the info.

Danke :thumbs:
i was hoping to see a new kind of city an dnot and exact copy of city17 :(
*looks giddily at model of 2 guns*

Is that dual wield I see???
hmmm, those weapons look very much like the concept from dystopia. Whats going on there?
it was nuke sentinel, the bastard, im the leader of the mod and it wouldnt let me on it this morning, should be sorted now, go love the hated site :p
jondyfun said:
[devonshire accent] whys'aaat? [/devonshire accent]
Becuase Programmers can't work together, at all. Ever. Specially not on a mod.

Well best of luck to you, but all previous experience dictates that one coder = best :)
Iced_Eagle said:
Yay :)

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Lol, that's hilarious. All because you clicked on a link. :LOL:
It would be cool if unmanageable to change the architecture between the two cities.
In answer to the dystopia mod, I went to have a look, and yes it does look a bit like it, which is strange, but , when skinned and ifnished it wont, we still have to add the butts, as for the comment on copy of City17, 2 things, our mod is also set in the EU so it has to resemble a bit like it, and also we are getting new textures on it asap, we have the texture cd's just waiting for a member to convert em
well we have a group working on the game modes atm , we want a couple more to work on the vehicle system so we can intertwine them and implement it at the same time
There are a lot of things to sort out, also in totally different area's. More coders will get the job done. It might be messy, but with good communication I'm sure they can manage :)
There's just a lot to do, so with more coders it'll take a lot faster.
See CB's point, too many cooks.

However, with zero experience, I'm not entitled to an opinion :D

Gotta agree with Varsity, it would be way cooler if the team managed to change the city's feel - keeping the sense of oppression, but changing building textures/style/architecture to give it the atmosphere of somewhere similar, but different.

Uh... the two guys at the trainstation in the beginning talking about Dr. Breen mention city 14 not 13... When do they talk about 13 in the trainstation?
justice_sam said:
In answer to the dystopia mod, I went to have a look, and yes it does look a bit like it, which is strange, but , when skinned and ifnished it wont, we still have to add the butts, as for the comment on copy of City17, 2 things, our mod is also set in the EU so it has to resemble a bit like it, and also we are getting new textures on it asap, we have the texture cd's just waiting for a member to convert em

texture cds? :p
I'm curious what quality they bring
Right now, yes, our buildings and city is similar in architecture to City 17, but we have a higher variety of locales and we will most likely develop some more unique architecture in the future.
Hi there, I'm Fuzzy from Team Dystopia.

I just noticed that one of the images posted in this thread contains a screenshot displaying a model lifted from our mod; Dystopia.

After a bit of investigation we've turned up that a modeller named Mix Tape is working on City 13. On the 29th of Oct 2004 Mix Tape asked to join our dev team. He was given the concepts for our Mach2 pistol and asked to model it as a trial.

You can see the original concept posted into our gallery on on the 20th of March 2004:

We also have screenshots of Mix Tape's work in progress shown to us on the 8th of Nov 04:

Mix Tape never returned to show us a final version and we simply guessed he'd dropped off the face of the planet. Now we check and find an unskinned render of _our_ pistol being pimped in another mod.

We're not impressed to say the least. We have sent an email to the City 13 managers and hope they'll remove the offending images and stop using the model in their mod. It's disturbing to now see a City 13 team member saying the following:

In answer to the dystopia mod, I went to have a look, and yes it does look a bit like it, which is strange, but , when skinned and ifnished it wont
This simply isn't a good enough response to this situation. It's obvious that this model is based on a concept created by Team Dystopia. Simply reskinning a model created from our concept art is not an acceptable answer.

In the mean time, could a admin please remove the image from the news page.

Thanks in advance,
Manager and PR guy for Dystopia
Also, on the news post is says that city 13 was mentioned at the beginning of hl2 when i remember it being city 14.

Sorry, nitpicking.
City 13...I looked forward to you...I really did.....You disgrace me *spits and/or slaps in face* You stole. Stealing is bad!!!!1 Unless its music...or movies....or games....but models...I have to draw the line somewhere.
stillNtransfixed said:
City 13...I looked forward to you...I really did.....You disgrace me *spits and/or slaps in face* You stole. Stealing is bad!!!!1 Unless its music...or movies....or games....but models...I have to draw the line somewhere.

I wouldn't blame it on City13 unless they directly knew which I don't think they did. I blame the modeller and imo if you do stuff like that you will never get anywhere and might as well stop now. You just don't do stuff like that. Anyway blame the modeller not City13.

EDIT: I just thought, you must have actually told him to model that? whats that about? surly he wouldn't have just modelled a random weapon and you would just automatically accept it. It seems fishy tbh.
City 13...I looked forward to you...I really did.....You disgrace me *spits and/or slaps in face* You stole. Stealing is bad!!!!1 Unless its music...or movies....or games....but models...I have to draw the line somewhere.

Laughing Out Loud. (They won't accept LOL)
A reskinned stolen model is still a stolen model. Psycore didn't put his effort into designing that weapon for City 13 to rip off, he designed it for Dystopia.

I'm disgusted at City 13's response to this issue.
It is very sad to see this occur, I'd like to see the City 13 team speak out about this unless they want to keep themselves in this disgraceful appearance..
Its not the exact same model.... quite a few differences in it but since you have said that you specified that the model should belong to the mod in the contract with the modeller then you satill have a case.
Until City 13 gets it sorted out, I will change the picture of the model to one of the others they posted.
They obviously completely know about the situation or they would have promptly replied and openly said they did not know. Thus, is it quite safe to assume they are now either avoiding this situation or contemplating on how to handle it to make it sound like an accident in order to keep the model or keep respect.

In my opinion, if they don't lose the model, they lose the mod.
They've already lost the respect--"remotely similar, after it's skinned, it won't look the same"?! Give us all a break, please...

Azlan said:
Until City 13 gets it sorted out, I will change the picture of the model to one of the others they posted.

Rightly done, my friend. I appreciate and I'm sure the same goes for the Dystopia team. Thanks.
Why doesn't Ennui speak up? In my opinion, is kinda of affiliated with this, Ennui is on their team no? He's a mod here, I say he should at least tell us what's going on.

As for now, I'll assume it's all a misunderstanding. Innocent until proven guilty. Let's just hope they come out innocent...
I believe Dystopia over City 13, who's with me!?! Or against me?!?