City Havoc Media Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
The team behind City Havoc has released a new update containing media and screenshots of their progress so far. [br]</br>

Featured below are some samples, click here to visit their main page where you can view the rest.
This is what the team says about City Havoc:

"This HL2 Organized Crime modification is at a large scale and is not looking towards small maps. Each map will take place in large, open cities where we can take complete hold of the source engines power. City Havoc is focused upon gang war fare rather than just free for all, or tdm, in a large city. Players will either be apart of the gang or be a gang leader and will work together to take over the city. The gang leader will control the gang in a way that it will take care of the income from each business that’s taken over. He decides what to buy, guns, cars, explosives other items etc. The more businesses owned through out the city = more money and territory, the more territory, the more havoc."

[br]The modification is in grave need of more staff members, particularly coders, skinners and mappers, so don't hesitate to drop [email protected] an email if you feel you want to help out.

And of course, don't forget to visit the City Havoc website right here.
thanx in in grave need of a real good coder.

Feldy - lead 3d artist
Ambitious i will give you that.

I hope you get all the help you folk need.

Ah man no offence but that looks way to modern, if you're going to make a mod about the mafia and organised crime you had better do it in the 1950:s timeperiod.

I had a similar idea with a pal some time ago long before HL2 was out, but that was supposed to feature New York in the 1950:s, drivebys with tommyguns, nice sharp suits and big hats and the whole lot that has to do with the mafia.

To bad we don't have the energy to make anything out of it.
looks good, cant say its fantastic, but that time will come ;)
Looks good, and original (with the exception of "Cruor" :D )
The face of the character model could be better, especially on the source engine, but I could be wrong in that thats how it looks like un animated or something. I really don't know.
In the first shot, the walls look way too tiled, I hope you're not going to keep that.
I think the BMw looks too jagged.

What? It's jagged cause it's shot in a low resolution? Well then, perhaps you should advertise your mod with screenshots that look their best....perhaps. Nah...stick with the crappy resolution, it really lets us know how much you care.
Listen to yourself toekneebullard, bashing on this mod...ever heard of a WIP?

Theres a difference between constructive criticism and just plain insulting someones work. Besides, I'd like to see you do any better. the beginning stages I thought this was argubly one of the most promising mods, now after looking at these screenshots I'm so so sure.

Particarly the WIP mafia man that looks like a kid's playdough project.