City Life: Deluxe...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Has anybody played this yet? I'm skeptic about buying it for 30 bucks, and I've been trying to download it to test it out, so I can determine if it will be a worthy purchase, but they are all in foreign languages. Anyway, the game looks like it could be decent, but I just want to know from personal views of people if it's worth 30 dollars...
City Life is a pretty good game... but you'll get bored after a week. Then you'll put it away... pick it up a month later... play for a week...

Yeah, see where this is going? It's one of those cyclic games.
City Life is a pretty good game... but you'll get bored after a week. Then you'll put it away... pick it up a month later... play for a week...

Yeah, see where this is going? It's one of those cyclic games.

qft, I have it and only play it occasionally
"IT'S IN SPANISH!" :laugh:
ROFL...I remember that convo...<3 you dekky.
City Life is a pretty good game... but you'll get bored after a week. Then you'll put it away... pick it up a month later... play for a week...

Yeah, see where this is going? It's one of those cyclic games.

Hmm, well, then I wonder...I think it might be worth the $26 it's on Steam for now....I'll have to sleep on it.
I've heard its disappointing, as it promises so much yet delievers on so little when you see how it works :(
Well, I finally got an English copy of City Life...and I must say, the game is rather....bleh. What's up with the culture diversity or whatever they call that? Eh, that nicked me a bit. And the red power energy needed or something icon kept appearing on all my buildings all the time. I assume it was, "NEED MORE POWAR!!" But damn if I didn't have 5 wind generators and 3 energy plants. I wasn't even at 300 population yet!! :O
You're better off with Psychonauts tbh. :D


No, but I MUST spread the word.
