City17 stole our info without a credit

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*looks for some lawyers*
Wow, those are exact word for word comments. Munro I suggest making a news post saying City-17 is completely copying our shit or something like that.
btw. does anyone go to their site in the first place? I mean halflife2,net is here...don't get it.


really this is the only HL2-fan-site I visit.

I dont see a problem here, maybe im missing something. Is there a problem with information attained by emails being freely distributed to the entire hl2 community? And how does information benefit the hl2 community if it is not shared. You should be pleased that this info will now be assimilated by a wider audience.

I dont mean to come off as an asshole, but its not like you own this information. Gabe gave it to the hl2 community, not to
sheep you "sarcasm-o-meter" seems to be broken...get it fixed fast! you won't live long on a message-board without one.
"Just for you, City-17 has scoured the internet looking for every little bit of information we could find on the game and it's engine and crammed it all into this 10 page plus FAQ."
I guess they should have pointed out the emailers or something. But nm. :/
I always refer people to simply because it HAS the best news source with the forums and main page news

city17 sucks, dont worry

but I do suggest you e-mail them and yell at them and call them dirty names
sheep you "sarcasm-o-meter" seems to be broken...get it fixed fast! you won't live long on a message-board without one.


My post was in response to Apos. He seems to be serious, though i guess he may not be. If he isnt then just ignore me :p
its not a big deal just get everyone who posted thier emails to contact city17 and ask for it to be taken out like in the news paper if they misquote.
Hey I kind of like the FAQ

.. wait they plagiarized my emails!!! MURDER :flame: :flame:
erm i am no lawyer but i think this violates Digital Millennium Copyright Act, for "To prepare derivative works based upon the work" And they could easily removed from being linked too on google or easily sued.

i cant be arsed to read everything on it so i'm just going on what i've read oO
omfg :devil: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

:flame: Burn 'em, BURN EM to the ground :flame:
/me notifies the fire brigade

09-03-03 at 23:12 GMT
Call to all Half-Life 2 .(dot) net members!
Spam the forums!
Fill the e-mails!
Overload the bandwith!
ok dudes ill be the head of this assault( i wish i was) so whos going in to scout the premisis on a scouting mission?
ok, lets plan it we need some patsies to blame when everything dies down, any volunteers ?
Guys don't go looking for trouble. This has gone too far.
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