Civil-Liberties for Security?


Sep 3, 2003
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A ranked MI5 civil-servant had this to say on the matter:

Personally I can't believe people are even considering this. If we do sacrifice civil-liberties for security the terrorists will have won, instead of them creating a culture of terror we will be creating our own culture of terror. People will become afraid to go about their daily lives for fear of prosecution by the state. There's already new legislation on what you can and cannot say with relation to terrorists. For example, if you agree with a terrorist view point you could be prosecuted.

It's getting worse, "1984" here we come.
We've lived with the threat of the IRA for years. Why has this idea come only only now? Are we going to take a step backwards as a society in order to combat this? That seems counter-intuative. We've never needed to curb civil liberties, even in the height of the Cold War, which was indeed a very real danger.

We've never suffered from this catagory of terrorism before we got involved in the war on terror.
"He who would surender freedoms for security deserves neither"Ben Franklin
I didn't know that David Shayler was from Middlesbrough.
There is a difference from the IRA and these people the IRA had a hierarchy and any hierarchy can be attacked from an intelligence point of view the problem is these terror attacks are being plotted and carried out by small cells of independent terrorists so there is virtually no hierarchy with which to attack therefore the only way they see is to use a blanket system of personal invasion to hopefully find out the terrorists as from their point of view they have very few other effective counter measures.
Yep, its the begining of the end. Those laws wont stop them when they drive a nuke to downing street.

BTW there is a petrol crisis expected next week, and it sounds as though it will be like last time, go fill up your tanks and cans.
Bah, last time we had a petrol crisis, it wasn't long before prices soared UP.

Also I heard truckers tend to be serial killers (in the viz :P ) so why should listen to the demands of criminals?
Hehehe, I filled up a massive jerry can full of petrol today, when it gets desperate, I'm going to sell it to some deranged businessman/woman for £1000.

Indeed, I am a bastard.
This should be a poll. Liberty or Security. :E

Be careful not to become unorthodox though, or the thought police will drag you off to the ministry of love.
Dont you mean the Ministry of Luuuuuurve :naughty:

Note, i have actually read 1984
Hehehe, I filled up a massive jerry can full of petrol today, when it gets desperate, I'm going to sell it to some deranged businessman/woman for £1000.

Indeed, I am a bastard.

Good idea. Stockpile all the fuel now so when we live in post-apocalypse Britain we'll be in a powerful position!
Sulk, how do I start a revolution, that eventually escalates into a chav/class war ending up in post-apocolypse Britain?