Civil Protection Volounteers


Oct 11, 2004
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You know near the start of the game, where that combine man tells you to put the can in the bin. You then go into a big room where to the right there are people queuing to get something. I think they are queueing to get respirators and join the civil protection. I waited for ages until one of them gets something handed to them, and it looks like a respirator mask in a bag. Look at the pic. And one of the citizens somewhere says that she is thinking of joining civil protection just to get a good meal. That guy looks pretty ahamed of himself, though. Betraying his species and all.


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Haha wow... good find. I waited until one of the guys got one aswell, but I didnt see the respirator part of it, just the package so I thought it was rations or something... government handed out food.
I think they are meant to be ration packs, they seem to go to the citadel to be "combined" from what ive seen.
yeh but whats that thing sticking out of it then?

<edit> Just noticed. The ones with the packs seem to be able to go through those funny forcefield things, and others get stopped. Maybe they pick up the packs then go to the citadel.
I thought that was work detail. You pick up your assignment and uniform for work around the city.
No, It's food. "You'll have to be damn hungry to wait for one of these?" <--- Person in line

It would probably take alot more screening to join CP. I mean, so many people would be traitors.
Yeah, they don't hand out combine masks like that. Be pretty easy for a resistance member to go undercover that way, wouldn't it?
Audiophile said:
Yeah, they don't hand out combine masks like that. Be pretty easy for a resistance member to go undercover that way, wouldn't it?

Like Barney you mean? :p
Well, it is definitely a pack which in some way ensures you join the CP. Because both man and woman in my line told me "I am going to join civil protection just to get a decent meal" I waited along with them and saw what they carried and at first also thought it was uniform. But how would you ensure that people who take the uniform really join CP? Some resistance soldiers would take the uniforms and use them to disguise it is most probably a meal (in some pack with a weird opening that seems like gas mask:) and some sort of agreement to join CP (those people really do walk into those force fields while the others do not).

As for the screening - the people who choose to join CP enter the fortress around Citadel and there they are screened and trained. Those disloyal or weak are turned into Stalkers, those good ones become CP. Some of the most loyal and such become "combined" (biomechanized) and join the army....

Only my opinion:)
Yah, it's food. The food, however, tastes like poo. So they say they would join Civil Protection just to eat something else, not that they are joining. It's a joke, like "I'd kill a man for a decent cheeseburger".

I'm pretty sure they can go through the checkpoints because their faces are registered in the database, and the camera can recognise which housing unit they belong to.
what mechagodzilla said
strange that entrances to three different precincts on totally opposite directions from the train station are 'the fortress around the citadel' don't you think?
I really think its a uniform... perhaps they have already been screened and may have some sort of ticket or a reg. number they put in to get the uniform (it certainly takes them a long time at the damn console thing). That and, if it was food they probably would have let you get some yourself (for fun), but nope.

Then again, could be food... but what a weird opening.
It's daily ration, i.e. food. Also I noticed when you are in the canals driving the airboat you can hear the woman in the speakers say "because you helped the anticitizen the ration will be reduced by 2 points" or something like that.
yeah, its food. i saw the same machine in a combine precinct barracks. Why would you issue uniforms to a precinct that already had them?