Civilians in City 17



I was playing Half-Life 2 earlyer today and i noticed something strange about them.
They have little bald patches on the back of their heads. Lobotomised? Sorry if this has been discussed before, its hard to search for.

Any ideas what it could be?

I believe that two or three citizen models have bald patches. I doubt it has anything to do with the Combine, though, since the women don't seem to have them too.
Lol. I saw one girl who i think had a bald patch but it was hard to see.
I think it was in route canal. Shes a sort of asian looking girl. She was sitting inside a concrete tube and she says gotta keep the railway alive.
In Route Kanal inside the red boxcar there is a civilian with a bald spot. There is no way it is natural either. If you look at the place where it is on his head and the shape of it too.
I think they are probably just the result of injury or malnutrition. I've only seen them on one male model as well.
Malnutrition...yes. Luckily, watermelons seem to be in abundant supply. Rich in vitamin C and A in addition to being 92% water by weight. Just the thing in a city whose water supply "makes you forget."
Maybe the watermelons are grown the the forgetting water.
Well, for one, a lobotomy would have placed the patch on the front part of the head, somewhat above the forehead, not the back of the head. Must be Combine shampoo having side effects.
Well, for one, a lobotomy would have placed the patch on the front part of the head, somewhat above the forehead, not the back of the head. Must be Combine shampoo having side effects.

I don't think they use shampoo..... or clean, judging by their clothes/faces.

Another interesting thing to note: There are no blondes ingame.
Definitely red.
The blond hairs are the aryan kind...they are taken to another planet where they can frollock in the meadow with the rest of the blondes...naked!