"Clearly Visible" isn't clearly visible


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
I've been playing like this for a while but now I've decided to ask, Why is my clearly visible text not clearly visible?

I've made the brightness gamma and contrast as high as possible on the ATi panel but no success. I got a Flat Screen LCD with DVI and the brightness on that is set to high aswell!

Help me please!
This is the idea, you need to change it till it will be clearly visible.
BTW, LCDs always have lower Brightness/Contarst...
Change what exactly? Every setting I can find is on high
Humm... Well, if you can see the game normal, so why do you want to change it?
The only thing i can think of to change it is to switch to better LCD or even cheaper CRT.
It look normal. But some parts of the map are unrealisticly dark :(
PsychoFreak said:
It look normal. But some parts of the map are unrealisticly dark :(

i feel your pain. so i made a nvidia profile for my video card/driver that makes everything brighter when i start cs:s.

if your video card supports it, look into it.
Wait wait wait--that's a screenshot, not a photo, am I right? Changing your monitor's brightness doesn't affect how we see the screenshot and it barely shows up to me. Something else is wrong.
Google -> PowerStrip

Awesome proggy, you can adjust your brightness / contrast easily, among other things.