
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
I just finished watching it on DVD (second time I've seen it, first time was in theaters) and I really liked it, again. Anyone else seen it / like it?

Spoiler could be in this thread.
The end always almost makes me cry, especially


When he "dies" I almost cried there, and I never cry to movies!
I thought all of the attempts at being "sad" were pretty feeble. That one scene with his dad (you know what I'm talking about) sort of tugged at the heartstrings, but everything else was just sappy, cliched, and can be seen in every other "let's make you cry!" movie. Maybe it was just becuase I saw the ending coming from a mile away though.

I do give it props for its soundtrack though. Three cheers for guilty pleasure 90s alternative rock and the Cranbarries!
I still haven't seen it and I don't really plan on it because the whole idea of a universal remote is so dumb I can't get past it.
I just saw it.

I thought it was going to be more of a comedy and not so serious like it was.
Yeah, the same thing with Man of the Year. I didn't expect it to be as huge of a moral standard as it was. There was definately a lacking in jokes there....
Very good film, again I thought it was going to be more of a comedy but it was very upsetting and thought provoking.

Good film though.
A lot better then i thought it would be. It was a good watch.