Clicking "My Computer" Freezes


Aug 2, 2003
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Alright guys, I've never really posted in here but here it goes...

About a week ago, I clicked on "My Computer" and it just froze. I couldn't close it with the X, couldn't right click in the taskbar to close it. The only way to close it was to end the task, and then it basically just reset windows ( you know when it hides all the icons and the taskbar and all, then brings it all back up ). So for a week now, I haven't been able to use my computer. Even if I save a document, and look in the dropdown and click My computer, it also freezes. I've gotten around it temporarily by using explorer, but i'd like to get it back. Any ideas?

Also, I've tried seaching on the internet for this, but naturally the string "My Computer Crashes" is way over populated on the internet since people mean their computer, not "My Computer".
Hmm that's strange, your explorer still works but My Computer crashes. Have you changed any hardware lately?

Other good ideas are to run a virus check, a disk scan, and maybe a spyware detector. Whenever i have a problem that's just really random i load up the spyware detector and half the time it takes care of the problem. to get a good one. If this doesn't work, my only idea is to get your windows CD and run a repair.
Check to see how much space you have too, sometimes that can make explorers act funny.

Now these are just general trouble shooting ideas, someone else may have experienced this exact thing and know how to fix it.
Yeah, I tried all of the above thinking I just installed some bad spyware, but to no avail. No new hardware either. I just got a radeon 9600 real cheap at an after thanksgiving sale, but I want to get this fixed first before I install anything new :-/. Thanks anyhow though :).
i just got a radeon 9600 too, its a bomb ass card. Bring on HL2 Valve(Especially with my free voucher now)
Did you install anything recently, it could be a worm, or something else. Something like that happened to me, and I found out my dad installed something that was attached from an e-mail, it royally screwed our computer. Just take it to a comp technition, easiest way to get it fixed.