cliffy B: people like mass effect cuz is like gears...


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score

Well, according to Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski, it is...

Sci-fi role-playing franchise Mass Effect. Here's the quote — from an interview with website Gamasutra:

The thing that was cool was that Mass Effect is kind of an RPG for me, with the cover-based shooting. I think there's a reason why it's been successful. Because gamers love Gears.

It's like well, here's something that's like Gears, but even has more depth, and a different setting. It's Star Wars for this new generation, right? Well, and the addition of the potential for having sex in a video game is also very powerful.

*claps in the most lame way possible*

btw havent played mass effect but I guess is for the shoulder cam?
Comparing those two is like comparing TF2 and Oblivion. They're both first-person and involve killing people and different classes, hence people who like Oblivion must like it because they like TF2.


For the record, Mass Effect > Gears of War. Cliffy B is the Mark Millar or Michael Bay of the gaming world.
What a retard.

Hey you! Chinese restaurant owner! Yeah you, your business does well because I own a Mexican restaurant and sometimes people just up and say, "We've had too much of this Mexican food, time for something different!". You're welcome!
"gears so cool, even bioware done it lollllllll"

If Mass Effect is only cool with people because its like Gears then Gears is only cool because its like Kill.switch. Arrogant shit.
CliffyB confirmed for Down's.

Also, good call Willie. I actually think Kill.switch is a much better game than Gears.
yeah and Kill.switch is just like Contra because you shoot things! see the connection???
Cliffy B is such an idiot. He obviously doesn't know anything about why gamers like games, but he sure thinks he does.
I'm off to get some chinese food now thanks to Raziaar! <3
Contra was and still is a WAY better game than Gears. This guy needs to STFU. Maybe he and Mark Rein can 69 and they can both be silenced by each other's peenorz. :stare:
Fought CliffyB on Gears once. He kicked my ass.
He has one of those faces that i wouldn't be able to resist punching if i ever had the opportunity to.
I guess I'm the only one that agrees with everything Cliffy B has said. Every time. I guess you guys are just wrong. Haters gonna hate.
with the cover-based shooting. I think there's a reason why it's been successful. Because gamers love Gears.

I can't stand Gears, I love Mass Effect 2. Yeah, so the Mass Effect and Gears have a cover-based system. But the two games were by no means the first to come up with the concept.

If Mass Effect is only cool with people because its like Gears then Gears is only cool because its like Kill.switch.

I was going to have Kill.switch in my argument, but wasn't sure if it was the first game to introduce cover-based combat :p
So, that means people also like Splinter Cell: Conviction, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Grand Theft Auto 4 because their like Gears!

It all makes sense now!
I've been using cover in my FPS games since the days of Dark Forces. Cover has always been around, but it's incorporation and the mechanics that interact with it have been changed in recent games.
The way it's used in ME2 and Gears is a little silly to me, and I think it would be better if they designed to levels to have more natural feeling cover, instead of tipped-over crates and knee high walls in every battle field.
Cliffy B was born to troll. Just look at his goddamn name.
I mean - take a game like Red Dead Redemption. Look at all of the attention it has garnered. People like this game so much because, well, it's like Gears. The cars have gears in them, even.

Did Cliffy invent hiding behind things (or "taking cover", as Cliffy calls it)? Technically, probably not, although it's an interesting argument.

Cliffy probably owes a lot to Al Gore. Interestingly, I don't see Al Gore claiming everything is like an internet. Give Al Gore some credit for showing such humility.
I'm drunk nd I can still tell cliffy b is a knob

Oh god, that's good.

I've been using cover in my FPS games since the days of Dark Forces. Cover has always been around, but it's incorporation and the mechanics that interact with it have been changed in recent games.
The way it's used in ME2 and Gears is a little silly to me, and I think it would be better if they designed to levels to have more natural feeling cover, instead of tipped-over crates and knee high walls in every battle field.
I kind of agree. The way they do it in Gears and whatever works well for this particular brand of shooter, but I don't like that the mechanic is being shoehorned into so many other games now because, honestly, it does make them feel pretty similar at times.

I'd really like if they came up with a more natural cover system... somewhere between your regular FPS where you just push yourself up against a wall, and the 'morphability' of cover shooters. Horrible word I know, I just mean the way your character fits themself against a given surface, as opposed to some traditional shooters where you can be crouched behind cover and still have your head exposed or something dumb like that. The closest I can think of is Call of Juarez: BiB, but the way they did it in that was pretty awkward.

Cliffy B was born to troll. Just look at his goddamn name.
He's actually tried to 'disown' that name. It still stuck. Whether or not he likes it, he is the Cliffy.


I used to think his nicknames were intentionally ironic.
Does anyone honestly give a shit about Gears of War anymore?

All those games did was popularize the cover mechanic and yeah, it's a great mechanic, but besides that the entire franchise is just some backwards-hat wearing, bro-back-slapping, homoerotic war fantasy for fraternity douchebags who the feel the need to overcompensate for their masculinity. Guys like CliffyB.

Nobody in Gears of War has a neck.

Uncharted 2 is the only game that uses the cover mechanic naturally enough so that you're never wondering why this knee wall is here to begin with. You can't say that about GoW or Mass Effect 1 or 2.
I love Mass Effect. I hate Gears. I also dislike Cliffy B. Explain that, Mr. Arrogant Gaming Genius.

And agreement about the cover mechanic ... it's so popular despite the fact that most of the time it just makes environments look fake and artifical. All the way through ME2 I knew whenever enemies were going to pop out because suddenly there were convenient blocks and crates scattered about to hide behind. It's a weak design.
Uncharted 2 is the only game that uses the cover mechanic naturally enough so that you're never wondering why this knee wall is here to begin with. You can't say that about GoW or Mass Effect 1 or 2.

It also works well in Splinter Cell Conviction, which rarely uses the wall thing and instead disguises it using desks and cabinets etc.
I'm still stumped as to why everyone praised SC:C's cover system so much. It was just as functional as any other (more or less), which is to say I still had the occasional issue of sticking to the wrong surface, or popping out at an inopportune moment, or so on. What exactly did it improve on? The cover-to-cover thing? Guess what, Gears already did that, just not so directly. Get to the edge of cover, hold up on the stick and press A. Your dude will peel out of cover and run forward so you can direct him to the next CHEST HIGH WALL. Making this happen automatically with a button press is not only dumber, it's limiting - the range at which you could run between cover was woefully short, so most of the time you'd have to break cover manually anyway, and (I think) you could only direct him to corners. Again - they really need to start making this kind of thing more natural.

Seriously, as hilariously cocky as Cliffy is, and for all it's many flaws, Gears still has the best cover system out there (for what that honor is worth). It's only major drawback is that they tried to map too many functions to one button, but even so I haven't played another game that's matched it for sheer functionality and responsiveness.
Seriously, as hilariously cocky as Cliffy is, and for all it's many flaws, Gears still has the best cover system out there (for what that honor is worth). It's only major drawback is that they tried to map too many functions to one button, but even so I haven't played another game that's matched it for sheer functionality and responsiveness.

Nah, I still think SCC's cover system works better than Gears. It's been a while since I played Gears, but I remember I rarely used the dash from cover to cover feature because you could only move to the next piece of cover in either direction and not to the ones beyond it. Moving to the cover you wanted to be at involved lots of little cover shuffles until you got to the desired piece. At least with SCC you can target what cover you want to move to, if it's not in range you don't get the option but you can still dive past the closest piece of cover to move to one further away. I just think it works better though like I said it's been a while since I played Gears.
I am sick to death of the cover system. It's clunky and breaks up the flow and should be left outside to rot.
I find it shameful that such a fantastic setting (Sera is amazingly detailed and well looking) is wasted on a shooter. The GoW universe at times looks like steampunk 100 years later, it's a shame we don't get to play an RPG featuring a scavenger or some kind of adventure game.
I was thinking the same thing about Uncharted 2 - it looks so stunning and the locations and details are so well realised that it's a shame we fly through the game looking for the next thing to shoot. Games today are more stunning than ever and we rarely get to linger and take in the sights.
Nah, I still think SCC's cover system works better than Gears. It's been a while since I played Gears, but I remember I rarely used the dash from cover to cover feature because you could only move to the next piece of cover in either direction and not to the ones beyond it.
Nope, that's if you hold left or right at the edge of cover. So if you're on the right side of a doorway and press left against the side and press A, you'll flip over to the left side. What I was talking about was getting to the edge of cover and holding up, which makes you run out of cover and forward, then you can direct yourself manually to another piece of cover - or not.

That's what Gears had over other cover systems - a repertoire of moves to learn and master (even if all that amounted to was shotgun rolling in multiplayer). When a game like SC:C just lets you do the same thing with the press of a button, I just feel like it takes all the responsiveness out of it. You're no longer performing the action, you're just telling Sam to do it for you (same deal with mark and execute, but that's not for here).

I find it shameful that such a fantastic setting (Sera is amazingly detailed and well looking) is wasted on a shooter. The GoW universe at times looks like steampunk 100 years later, it's a shame we don't get to play an RPG featuring a scavenger or some kind of adventure game.
Or, you know, just some likeable characters. :p
Or, you know, just some likeable characters. :p

I liked the Stranded. And JACK.

But yeah, the main cast of characters are:

White Douchebag
White Douchebag with goggles and stupid haircut
Black Douchebag footballer
Latino Douchebag crybaby

Latino Douchebag was the most likeable, though, with the regular White Douchebag a close second.